AI MUST READS — W38 2018, by City AI

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and related fields are in a constant state of change. We want to inform but also encourage discussions on well presented topics we think are necessary in the context of putting AI into production. Every week we’re picking applied AI’s best articles plus adding a discussion starter

Joe Lord
Applied Artificial Intelligence
3 min readSep 27, 2018


1. Author Yuval Noah Harari warns AI will make us ‘intolerant’ of fellow humans

Author — Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Yuval Noah Harari offers a view that whilst perhaps new and original, is misinformed and complete guess work. His view in its most simplistic form is that, A.I. will be better at empathy than human beings because of the abscense of its own emotions, and as such, human’s will become less tolerant of one another because of the bar being raised by Artifical Intelligence.

There is no way to be able predict how humans will react to this, human beings have throughout history denied predicitions on their reactions countless times, Harris is no different and I seriously doubt his prophetic ability to predict this future.

Whilst its the first time I’ve seen someone speak about the ability of artificial Intelligence to relate and work with humans on an emotional level, thus deeming this idea perhaps as original, I wouldn’t however, say that it was revolutionary idea, A.I is an idea and a system that has been developed by humans to serve humans, whether it the completion of tasks or the analysis of data, its purpose is to be used by humans. So is it really that much of a leap to therefore assume that a system that was designed purely for humans is going to be better than a fellow human being.

2. Over 2,000 European AI experts join hands to challenge US, China in artificial intelligence

Author — Alice Shen (Follow on Twitter) via South Morning China Post

The growing commitments across the globe from nations is more indicative of the future of Artificial Intelligence than the current developments that are being made. As with most things, its all about the money and the ability to fund these researchers and provide the capital they need. Whilst European countries may publically dedicate funds and commit themselves to drawing alongside with the US and China, in reality their ability in comparison is limited at best. Europes ability fails because they lack the level of institutions and technology “zones” that both China and the US are famous for (Silicon Valley etc), not only are these centres of more financial activities that some small countries they’re also centres of talent and constant development in both public and private sectors.



Joe Lord
Applied Artificial Intelligence

Innovation Coordinator at Digital Catapult and Intern at City.AI curating weekly ‘ AI Must Reads’.