AI MUST READS — W42 2018, by City AI

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and related fields are in a constant state of change. We want to inform but also encourage discussions on well presented topics we think are necessary in the context of putting AI into production. Every week we’re picking applied AI’s best articles plus adding a discussion starter

Joe Lord
2 min readNov 8, 2018


1. Awful AI

Author — David Dao (Follow on Twitter) Via GitHub

David Gao has pulled together a curated list to track current and present ‘uses’ of Artificial Intelligence that could be deemed scary, and its gaining traction on a number of different web-based communities . He’s divided the current applications into 6 different categories.

  • Discrimination
  • Influencing, disinformattion and fakes
  • Social credit systems
  • Surveillance
  • Contestational research
  • Contestational tech projects

A list such as this if done correctly, could have its uses. Raising awareness of questionable applications by large companies and potentially applying public pressure has been a long-term detterent that has shaped companies decisions. Unfortaunetly David Gao’s list does more to damage the cause of A.I. than help and inform, being sentationalist in parts and simply mislabelling some as AI.

Criminal law not keeping pace with digital world — report

Author — Owen Boycott (follow on Twitter) via The Guardian

Whilst this article doesnt focus purely on Artificial Intelligence as a technology, the overall sentiment is something that should and inevitably will impact A.I. in the future. At this point in time, perhaps the biggest push behind the technology is the focus and strive by the international community to introduce ethics into the development and utilisation of the technology from concept to realisation.

However, not all of the responsibility should be laid at the feet of the developers and engineers. The law and those that create the laws should also be evolving as the technology evolves. The infrastructure is already in place and it will give a guidance towards the developers as to what these “ethics” actually constitute, laying the groundwork for legally and ethically compliant applications of Artificial Intelligence.



Joe Lord
Applied Artificial Intelligence

Innovation Coordinator at Digital Catapult and Intern at City.AI curating weekly ‘ AI Must Reads’.