Applications for the inaugural Data-Science-Day in London 2019 are Opening Soon

Applied Artificial Intelligence
3 min readDec 17, 2018

City.AI is going to provide Masters and PhD graduates from data science and related fields a platform to engage with relevant stakeholders in the AI ecosystem getting input on their career path based on their thesis commercial applicability

Data Science is the new dimension for competitive businesses. Graduates in the field of and related to data science are in high demand. Their skills, passion and curiosity are required to push the limits in fundamental AI research and the application of AI. Opportunities for data scientists can be categorized in 3 pillars:

  • research & development of fundamental AI
  • application of AI in an existing organization
  • development of new AI solutions in a startup

Different incentives can be offered on either side and often blindside the best opportunity for a graduate. Corporations have been battling over AI talent with big cash incentives to build strong teams for the new foundation of their business, the venture capital industry has been pouring capital into startups developing and applying AI making it attractive to pursue the path of building an own company, and fundamental AI research seems to fall short on attracting the necessary talent to drive long-term scientific efforts.

So today, CITY.AI is opening the applications for it’s first Data Science Day in London, April 2019 together with its founding partner Faculty.AI. The partnership couldn’t be a better match as you can understand after reading Marc Warner’s (founder & CEO) mission statement:

Applying artificial intelligence to business problems will be one of the biggest transformational opportunities of the 21st century.

The Objectives of Data Science Day

With the goal in mind to create a platform for data science graduates and related fields, we’re supporting them to

  • leverage their thesis by challenging its commercial application,
  • get relevant insights into data science projects of leading organizations, corporations and startups alike, and
  • transferring knowledge about different career paths by connecting to experienced professionals

The Day

The support to enable graduates understanding the potential impact and applicability of their research in business has been the sole focus when developing the format of the Data Science Day.

  • 150+ graduates from data science and related fields
  • Graduate meeting floor
  • Live competition for prize money in front of a judging panel
  • Expert talks in the fields of HR, corporate innovation, and entrepreneurship
  • 1:1 sessions and round tables for in-depth discussions
  • special evening activities with partners

The #appliedAI Award

At the heart of the Data Science Day will be the competition for the thesis with

  • the highest applicability and impact to an industry
  • its benefits to society
  • it’s technical viability
  • its level of disruption of the status quo
  • and its originality and creativity

The top 10 submissions will be invited to present at the live event to a judging panel and industry experts from startups, corporations, scientists and peers. The panel and the audience will vote the best commercially applicable thesis and next to the valuable feedback from experts all attending graduates receive, the winner will be rewarded with the following:

- €10K cash price for the final winner of the #appliedAI Award 2019 (ceremony at WorldSummit.AI)

- A place on the prestigious ASI Data Science Fellowship

- In-kind prizes by sponsors/partners



Applied Artificial Intelligence

Enabling everyone to apply AI by democratizing its design, development and use to reflect the diversity of the world we live in