IAȘI AI community panel with professors from ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” and ”Gheorghe Asachi” Universities. Photo credit: Mugur Cadinoiu

Talking about AI opportunities at IAȘI AI

Eugen Buşoiu
Applied Artificial Intelligence
2 min readDec 17, 2018


What is the current state of AI in Romania? What about in Iași? What would be a successful recipe in increasing AI skills and competences? On which areas of research are Universities of Iași focused?

These are just some of the questions we’ve covered within IAȘI AI community December meetup, a panel on AI opportunities with professors from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” and “Gheorghe Asachi” Universities of Iași.

Guests from prestigious Universities

  1. Florin Leon, professor at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași, member of IEEE Systems, the Man and Cybernetics Society: the Computational Collective Intelligence Technical Community and the Romanian Association for Artificial Intelligence.
  2. Professor Doctor Dan Cristea, Head of the Artificial Intelligence Department at the Faculty of Computer Science, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, where he has coordination numerous research projects for both general public and industry partners.
  3. Iulian Ciocoiu, professor and deputy dean, in charge of the research activity at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecomunications and Information Technology at the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași. Research fields of interest include the theory and applications of artificial neural networks, pattern recognition, biomedical signal processing and biometric applications.
  4. Ciprian Comșa, associate professor at the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași and an Academic Liaison & Innovation Manager at Continental Automotive Romania. His research interests include automotive electronic control systems, signal processing algorithms and artificial intelligence applied in the fields of automotive and communications.

For more than 2 hours, panel guests shared valuable insights from both academic and business perspective, reminding participants the importance of learning and experimenting.

IAȘI AI community members questions

There were a lot of questions, from the public and from the community members previously gathered through email, mostly focused on creating a healthy environment for AI experiments, startups and on the educational system.

It was a great vibe, it felt nostalgic but also motivational, seeing how graduates and students along are engaging with their professors and joining the debate.

Looking forward, big plans ahead, several initiatives and projects to be implemented on a local and global scale (to be announced in 2019).

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Eugen Buşoiu
Applied Artificial Intelligence

Passionate about technology and building innovative software products, with an interest in digital transformation and artificial intelligence.