Why you should consider running in the upcoming CSU Elections.

CSU President
Published in
5 min readApr 26, 2017

The Students’ Union Spring Elections of 2017 are well on their way, and the student electoral body will decide in May on the Union’s next chapter.

Running and campaigning in the Elections might seem and feel intimidating, making it difficult to decide wether it’s a right decision. But this very important democratic process has many times proven that people who are ready to put their hearts and dedication into this, will be rewarded.

Bellow you can find some of the personal perspectives of your CSU Officers on why you should run and what we’ve individually earned from this great experience.

Diamant Hasani, President

Personally for me, it is a great honour to serve as the President of the students. When you are given a responsibility, it requires effort.

However, besides hard work, there are a lot of things to enjoy. I had the chance to communicate more directly with students from other departments, as well as met interesting people outside of college while organising different events. I’ve also been lucky to work with such a great team and create new friendships.

Another thing of great importance, are the skills you acquire throughout this whole process; communication skills, team-working skills, organisational skills, and so much more that I believe I will benefit from in my future professional endeavours. Moreover, there is the really good feeling of satisfaction when you do something good and others benefit from it!

Last but not least, you will have your own office in the college, how awesome is that!

Vasilis Kikalos, Welfare & Education

I firmly believe that having active, involved students is the most important requirement to create vibrant, ever-growing student communities which benefit everyone.

I first started as a Class Senator/Representative in my first Level of studies, after a last-minute decision to encourage myself to participate in the Fall Elections and become part of a group of people who had the ability to help others. Now, I’m going through my second year in the Students’ Union, both serving as Welfare & Education Officer. It’s a position which offers a lot of knowledge and insight and provides the capacity to act on and bring change and improvements on many aspects of the student life.

I’ve witnessed a lot of change during these two years, both in the College and in the Students’ Union, and I’m very proud of the work, time and effort the teams in the CSU –especially this year’s amazing team– have put in order to provide great services for the students. Besides, getting good feedback from the students and your colleagues for something you’ve put work into, is such a great satisfaction.

Regarding the upcoming Elections, the first step of this process is, for us, to encourage the students to get involved and convince them that they can bring change. From my experience, the CSU and the students have brought more change than many may realise; including things that are visible and promoted, but also many behind-the-scenes work that influences the student life. If you care about improving on our work, offer something better or different, and give back to the students and be a factor of change of how things are getting done, then you should run in these Elections. During your campaign, be honest of what you want to achieve and of the greater picture you might have. Be pragmatic, but also envision of how you can make an impact.

Everyone who works in CITY is your ally and you’ll receive great support. The current CSU team will also help and teach the new one during the transition period. We all have one common goal, and that is to support and help grow this great place, where people and ideas come together, where young people develop, and where quality education expanses, influences and changes.

Joana Daulle, PR & Communications

Joining the Students’ Union has been a very interesting and rewarding experience for me.

You get to learn a lot of things on how things work and many more about yourself; how you work in a team on non-academic issues and often under pressure, how you can influence the dynamic, how events are being organised, promoted and executed. I’ve been pretty lucky to work with a great team, from students from all Departments, and really got to learn from them, and vice versa. You also get closer to the students, who share ideas or issues, and the academic staff.

By having all this experience and hopefully receiving the Sheffield Graduate Award (SGA), I can put some of these things to use for my future and current career planning. I would encourage everyone who puts work and care into what their doing, to run.

Declare your candidacy and run in the upcoming Elections! Register by Friday, April 28th, at the Student Services office (L. Sofou, ground floor).



CSU President
Editor for

President of the Students’ Union of CITY College (CSU), the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield