2018 | The Generation Bound Within the Walls!!!

Vaishali Sonik
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2018

The spectacle of life is shortening with every moment passing by. With the ongoing trend of confining oneself within the four walls has pushed over the boundaries beyond the limits where it could be stopped. Pushing out the nature from our lives has become an ongoing phenomenon in the world of today. Replacing fresh air with the air conditioning, a stroll in the park with a treadmill walk in fancy gyms, and even the fresh organic vegetables with the scientific ones has been going over the years. If one peek into his or her life, he or she will be shocked to know that there is not even 5 minutes in entire day when they get up and move out of the four walls.

From home to cars and then to your workplace, there is no contact left of them with the nature. We nowadays are pushing away from the light that is bestowed upon us by god and are drifting into the lights manufactured by the man making our own way towards deterioration.

Shortly enough the time will come when you will miss the nature but you will not be able to breathe the fresh air. In the generation where the motto of the life has become success and progress the basics of living has been forgotten. Now is the time that we are living with the grace of machines and are dedicating our lives to them as if we are their slaves. With the growing interest of people to improve the indoors, they are forgetting that there is already a beautiful nature surrounding them.

The routines we are bound to live in is in a box which has the opening to get yourself out, but we don’t intend to do such a thing. As per the analysis of the health departments across the globe, the air within our home is 60 percent more polluted than outside. This is the raising concern and is causing problems for us and our loved ones silently. So, get up and move out of the four walls so that we and our future generation has no issues knowing the best of the nature that we live in. Nature was built for our benefit and healthy living, avoiding it is raising the issues to the limits that we humans cannot afford to.



Vaishali Sonik

I am a digital marketer who loves to explore the work of online marketing & share the knowledge I gained over the years.