Being Emotional ❤ in the World of Practicals A Sin or A Blessing? We can be Master of Our Thoughts, but we All Are slaves of Our Emotions.

Vaishali Sonik
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2018

Every time I get hurt, I feel the need of turning myself into the hollow meat-suits moving around me. These hollow meat-suits I am referring to are no one but those practical people that surround me and terrify me by their hollowness and emptiness. While growing up I had my own fundas about life believing that it was all about love, compassion, family, friends, and living. But as I grew up my entire idea of life got turned over. It then became all about being practical, successful, earnings etc. Well! Today I stand at a good place, I am satisfied, I am successful enough for taking care of my needs, then why people assume that only practical people can get success?

It is not only the time where machines has taken over our jobs, it has become the era where your souls have shut their light off and has turned into the dark hole from which the optimism has been sucked out. It can often be heard that Being practical is important, well is it really that important that we drain out all the emotions we were born to express?

I don’t believe in being completely practical and shutting off all the emotions. There is a quote that “It is both a curse and a blessing to feel everything so deeply”. Honestly, I disagree, in the world where we all have turned into robots, it is definitely a blessing to stay in touch with your emotional side. Feeling emotions is what makes us human. There are many times where I thought that it would be easier to bring out my practical side upfront. Ummm! These were the times when I got hurt.

According to many surveys, it has been observed that the most practical humans you come across were deeply emotional once. It was the heartbreak that turned them off. So, is it really good to portray yourself as an emotionless person to people?

Your practicality might drive out love from your life. The love that we all live for the compassion that we feel when we are in love ❤, the care of a person that we gain when we fall for one another.

Is being emotional in the world of Practicals a sin? No, definitely not. According to me its a total miracle to survive through the epidemic of Practicality that is spreading everywhere these days.

Do not shut down your emotions, but balance them to feel everything in the adequate amount. Cry, laugh, dream, enjoy!



Vaishali Sonik

I am a digital marketer who loves to explore the work of online marketing & share the knowledge I gained over the years.