The moment of praise and life time of imprisonment

Vaishali Sonik
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2018

In the time where everything has become the showbiz in the world, it has become quite difficult for an individual to make the right decision. These are the times where flattery is appreciated more than the reality. In these times a moment of appreciation can turn your life upside down and the shadow of something unexceptionally strong is caste upon you. The dominance of flattery, the dominance of lies and the dominance of illusionist world.

This depressing era of times tend to force you to go with the flow. It is the time when you should pick yourself up to the reality and break out of the prison of flattery that is turning you into a slave of false intents of people. Nowadays fetching the eye of people and getting as many compliments from others have become a day to day routine. This in turn has diverted the minds of people from the real concerns of life to these outrageous concepts that do not even hold any actual importance in it.

Life is a misery to those who live to impress. Have you ever heard of a phrase “Live to Express not to Impress”. One moment of fake praise can light up your life for a while, but if you get entangled in this, it would roll you upside down and will create a huge mess of your life.

It is often seen that people tend to change their lifestyle just to get their hopes up to get more of these moments where people would praise and compliment them. Living turns out to be extensively difficult when you start living to impress people. So, do not let a moment of praise become life time of imprisonment.



Vaishali Sonik

I am a digital marketer who loves to explore the work of online marketing & share the knowledge I gained over the years.