It’s all fun and games until a drone pokes out your eye

CityGrows can help cities manage drone permits

Homa M
2 min readFeb 10, 2017


Um, does this guy know what he’s doing? Photo via Unsplash

With every new technology comes some level of risk. Whether it’s cars or Segways or cellphones, the introduction of a new technology generally follows the same pattern: early adopters use the tech everywhere, people get hurt, regulations ensue.

Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) — commonly referred to as drones — are the newest development creating regulation challenges for government. There have been reports of drones creeping on people, interfering with aircraft and ruining nature.

I’m a proponent of personal responsibility and good judgement, but the reality is all it takes is one knucklehead to be reckless with his/her new toy for an injury to occur. Even if a drone operator is *trying* to be careful, a lack of skill or knowledge can result in unintended consequences and property damage (or serious injury).

Many cities and local governments are responding to the increasing popularity of drones with regulations, usually in the form of licensing and permits. CityGrows can help communities enact regulations quickly and with zero paper. Because drone users are early adopters, they are also likely to prefer (even demand) online services.

A sample drone operation permit from CityGrows

Even better — with CityGrows, data on drone permit registration and activity is available instantly online (sensitive personal data can be shielded). Members of the public and government officials can monitor and better understand how and where drones are used in their community — transparency and open data are baked into the CityGrows platform.

If you’re interested in getting started with a drone permit for your town or city, start here.

For more support getting a number of processes online, consider applying to our pilot digital services program.



Homa M

I have a public sector heart and private sector brain. Policy & biz dev @CityGrows, writerly stuff at Once & future public servant.