Photo of Maya Shavin
Maya Shavin will be speaking at the 2021 CityJS Conference

CityJSConf 2021 talks to Maya Shavin

James Malvern
2 min readFeb 16, 2021


Shavin is currently Senior Frontend Developer @Cloudinary and also a writer on Frontend Weekly, where she mainly write articles about JavaScript tutorials and good practices. When not coding, she enjoys traveling, reading manga, and sketching. Her favourite Marvel character is Tony Stark, and yes, she knows what she’s talking about. We briefly caught up with her in the run-up to the 2021 CityJSConf.

Is TypeScript the future of JavaScript? And why?

Yes, because it’s awesome :) and it enforces good habit of coding, where developers are forced/trained to think and design how their code looks like before actually coding. Also, it helps readability and prevents silly bugs.

Are you aware of new tools like Deno, Svelte or any other libraries you would like to share? Tell us what new JS stuff is coming and how you feel about those?

I would say stick with vanilla JavaScript. Svelte is great but it’s not for complex apps (yet), Deno is a good concept, but time will tell. I personally like XState as it combines with computer sciences logic and gives a better way to manage UI states for apps.

What was your first programming language? And how long have you been using JavaScript?

Turbo Pascal. Been using JavaScript for around 5 years.

What advice do you have for junior devs starting out in JavaScript in 2021?

Don’t jump into frameworks before you understand the basics.

What are you working on right now in your job? And what are you using to do this?

Frontend development for enterprise app - we use React, Webpack and Style components.

How has Covid-19 affected the way you work?

Work from home more, less time on traffic, less communication in person but more freedom in self-management

Do you have any side projects you’re willing to talk about? If so, spill the beans!

StorefrontUI — UI component library for E-commerce

How has your journey as a conference speaker been affected by Covid-19 over the past year?

No more in-person conferences means no real interaction with the audience, making friends, connecting between people and learning from new friends.

What would be your ideal online conference set-up?

Virtual interaction with the audience

Tell us about where you are in the world right now.


How is the Covid-19 situation where you are?

Vaccination is in progress.

How do you relax and de-stress?

Gardening and making crafts :)

Have you made a bucket list for the end of lockdown and restrictions? If so, what will you be doing?

Go for a physical conference as a speaker :)



James Malvern

Data, words and (some) coding. Makers Academy (London) August 2018 cohort and Interactive Journalism MA graduate 2020 @ City, University of London