A photo of Tamas Piros
Tamas Piros will be speaking at the 2021 CityJSConf

CityJSConf 2021 talks to Tamas Piros

James Malvern
2 min readFeb 16, 2021


Tamas is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and a seasoned developer evangelist. He is a passionate advocate for modern web technologies, helping people understand and unlock the latest and greatest features of web development. We briefly caught up with him in the run-up to the 2021 CityJSConf.

Is TypeScript the future of JavaScript? And why?

It gives strong typing to a popular language making code time debugging a lot easier. Furthermore TypeScript plays a crucial part with WebAssembly via AssemblyScript!

Are you aware of new tools like Deno, Svelte or any other libraries you would like to share? Tell us what new JS stuff is coming and how you feel about those?

I love both Deno and Svelte and have created projects with both.

What was your first programming language? And how long have you been using JavaScript?

Been a JavaScripter since the early 2000s. My first language was Visual FoxPro! :)

What advice do you have for junior devs starting out in JavaScript in 2021?

Learn the basics! Don’t jump in trying to learn React or Angular — get a firm understanding of the foundations of JavaScript — it will help you in the long term!

What are you working on right now in your job? And what are you using to do this?

Developer Experience Engineering. I use the latest frameworks in the ecosystem to showcase wicked image and video optimisation and transformation solutions.

How has Covid-19 affected the way you work?

I travel less (as in virtually no travel). Other than that not much, since I was working remotely.

Do you have any side projects you’re willing to talk about? If so, spill the beans!

I wish I could — but not just yet ;)

How has your journey as a conference speaker been affected by Covid-19 over the past year?

I accepted that my only visible audience is the green webcam light on my Mac :)

What would be your ideal online conference set-up?

I did 20+ events last year so I’ve seen a lot of different setups. Each had pros and cons. I’d much rather go back to in-person events to be able to interact with the always amazing attendees!

Tell us about where you are in the world right now.

Budapest, Hungary.

How is the Covid-19 situation where you are?


How do you relax and de-stress?

I started a new hobby (miniature painting), running, and an awful lot of PS with my mates.

Have you made a bucket list for the end of lockdown and restrictions? If so, what will you be doing?

Actually I didn’t. I don’t want to set false expectations and not be able to realise them. When I see the light at the end of the tunnel, I’ll make plans :)



James Malvern

Data, words and (some) coding. Makers Academy (London) August 2018 cohort and Interactive Journalism MA graduate 2020 @ City, University of London