Tips For Building Lasting Friendships

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4 min readSep 13, 2022

Meeting new people and building a new friendship can seem like a big task sometimes but the rewards of having a new good friend are definitely worth the effort. Being the experts in making new friends, we want to share our best tips to help you when you meet new people to make sure you have all the tools to build strong friendships that will last in time.

Be Open Minded

One of the most interesting things when you meet someone new is finding out where they are from and what they are like as a person. Each one of us has had different experiences which has shaped who we are and sharing those with someone new is a big part of becoming friends. You should always keep in mind that the person in front of you may have lived a very different life to yours and they can teach you new things about yourself and the world. In return you will share with them your experiences and show them something they may not know about.

Listen To What The Other Has To Say

Sharing experiences means listening and paying attention to what the other person has to say. make sure you are not dismissive of your new friends or act like you know best. Show them that you value their opinions and points of view and that you appreciate that they take the time to share their ideas with you. This way you can encourage them to continue doing so and they will consider you a valuable friend to have, since they can always talk to you without feeling they will be judged.

Don’t Be Afraid To Open Up

Having friend you can trust is important, especially at time you need advice on more serious matters in your life. It is good to open up about the issues that are important to you and discuss with your new friends about your opinions on a variety of topics so that you not only get to know them better but also find out what advice you can go to them for and what kinds of situations you’d be able to help each other with down the line. For example, knowing that both of you had some issues at work or with your relationships in the past could mean that there’s already a safe space for you to talk when similar issues arise again.

Make An Effort

Building a new friendship takes effort, you have to gain each other’s trust and you have to learn how to fit each other in your already busy schedules. Finding activities you both enjoy and already do so you can do them together is a great way to spend time with a new friend but if that’s not possible, make the effort to spend time together regularly and talk with them whenever you have time. making the first move to call or text may not come natural at first but once you start doing it will become a habit and your new friend will be one of the first people you message when you want to chat with someone.

Set Boundaries

While spending time with your new friends is great, you also need to set some boundaries and be clear about the time you can give them. Whether it’s your job, family responsibilities or you just need to spend some time alone and recharge, it’s ok so say no when your new friend invites you out and you don’t feel like it. Make sure you let them know that you’d love to spend time with them another day and plan something together for a day you are both available and don’t let yourself be pulled into plans you don’t have time for just because you are afraid you will disappoint them if you say no.

Meeting new people is always exciting and building new friendships is always worth the effort so we do hope you find these tips helpful for making new friends for life.

If you are currently looking for places to meet new friends check out Citysocializer and join the events and socials being hosted by the community.

Originally published at on January 7, 2022.




Meet new friends through events and activities and join a new social community.