Why Meeting People Is Great

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4 min readNov 21, 2017


Meeting people for friendship is what Citysocializer is all about and we are the experts in helping people make new friends and expand their social circle. While we already know how to meet new people, we wanted to find out what it is exactly that people enjoy when meeting people for friendship, so we went out in the street and talked to lots of different kinds of people, from different backgrounds, different ages and different social groups.

We were astonished to find out that the majority of the people we talked to particularly enjoy meeting people who are different than them. A huge part of the experience of meeting new people is to get to know another person’s experiences, their life story and what they’ve been through. Learning more about the people around you helps you expands your horizons and understand the bigger picture of life as a whole. Everyone we spoke to pointed out that when you get to know someone new, you find out what has shaped them into the people they are now and you learn important things about life through hearing their experiences, especially when it’s something you might not have the chance to live yourself.




Meet new friends through events and activities and join a new social community.