Daily Developer Logs 2022/07/01–2022/07/05

CityStates: Devlogs
2 min readJul 6, 2022


• Added: Builders — Purchase.
• Added: Market — Added functionality to display all player trades.
• Changed: CastleBuilding — Code clean up.
• Changed: CityActor — Direct actors to working buildings
• Changed: CityHUD — Settings button anchor changed.
• Changed: Market — Added functionality for receiving all trades for specified account.
• Changed: Market — Displaying messages about completed trades.
• Changed: Market — Now market check new trades in background mode.
• Changed: Market — Stop background trades update if player is not in a city context.
• Changed: UI — Buildings shop menu visuals.
• Changed: UI — training menu tweaks
• Fixed: Happiness — Block happiness info popup if there are no villagers in the city.
• Fixed: Inventory — Menu sorting.
• Fixed: Production — Show item icon at building quick collect button.
• Fixed: ProductionUI — Sequential tips in production menu.
• Fixed: UI — Localization keys.
• Changed: UI — filters appearance

• Added: Builders — Purchase request.


• Changed: CityActor — Animation naming
• Changed: CityActor — Priority to producing buildings
• Fixed: CityActor — Bugs with prioritization
• Changed: Project — Network common.
• Fixed: Buildings — House buildings don’t remove capacity during upgrading.

• Added: Market — Get resources from market storage endpoint.
• Changed: Market — Add currency records to market storage.
• Changed: Market — Update resource records.


• Added: Market — Storage controller.
• Added: Market — Visualization of storage.
• Fixed: City — Tile obstacles reset.
• Fixed: GlobalMap — Camp camera position.
• Changed: Market — Added checks for the presence of a wallet.
• Changed: Market — Market can now cache aggregated trades.
• Changed: Market — Market menu can place time period pointers.

• Fixed: Market — State creation.
• Fixed: Market — Stellar transactions to remove extra currency.

