Daily Developer Logs 2022/09/20–30

CityStates: Devlogs
4 min readOct 5, 2022


• Changed: CityActor — Supplies view component
• Added: Camera — Edge pan movement.
• Added: Camera — Edge pan switch.
• Added: Camera — Import camera module.
• Added: Networking — Resynchronization overlay and input blocker.
• Added: Networking — Resynchronization with server in cases of desync.
• Added: UI — Missing overlay.
• Changed: Camera — Don’t ignore user input during forced camera movement.
• Changed: Camera — Increase camera inertia dumping and fix drag cancelation.
• Changed: Camera — Remove place holders from tile map dimensions.
• Changed: Camera — Return edge pan processor.
• Changed: Camera — Return keyboard movement processor.
• Changed: Camera — Return movement to the tile.
• Changed: Camera — Rudder band effect.
• Changed: Camera — Separate classes and make code cleanup.
• Changed: Camera — Set default zoom value 1 if it is possible.
• Changed: Camera — Zoom configuration.
• Changed: CityActor — Minor code style fixes
• Changed: CityActor — Supplies component disabled
• Changed: Camera — Tweak camera configuration.
• Fixed: Camera — Damping on edges.
• Fixed: CityActor — Error is thrown on destroying buildings
• Fixed: Networking — Don’t request state updates during visiting the other player.
• Fixed: Reset — Issue blocking reset.
• Removed: Camera — Old camera system.
• Added: CityActor — Spawn at random building
• Changed: CityActor — Disable supplies component
• Fixed: CityActor — Supplies in Conversion Buildings

• Changed: RequestService — Ping state returns errors as well as ProcessCommands.
• Changed: Project — Includes files from the Common lib. • Changed: UnitTests — Tweaked to support changes.


• Changed: Camera — Configure setting for perspective camera.
• Changed: Camera — Rubber bounce at the city edges.
• Changed: CItyActor — Code style changes
• Fixed: Camera — Building construction size.
• Fixed: Camera — Configure text offsets.
• Fixed: Camera — Doesn’t move camera if any menu is opened.
• Fixed: Camera — Keyboard movement.
• Fixed: Camera — Reset camera and locked territories view.
• merge conflict resolved
• Changed: Camera — Add inertial dumping and slow down keyboard movement speed.
• Fixed: Project — Class naming issue.


• Added: Commands — Expected next command can be defined in commandPack.
• Changed: Buildings — Visual offset.
• Changed: Buildings — Y offset
• Changed: Camera — Available movement zone.
• Changed: Camera — Calculate edge bounds.
• Changed: Camera — Min and max zoom.
• Changed: Market — Improved handling of very small numbers.
• Fixed: Camera — Center camera position after moving to tile.
• Fixed: Camera — Don’t stop tweening during movement to available for battle camp.
• Fixed: Camera — Don’t use edge dumping during movement to tile.
• Fixed: Camera — Increase speed of rubber bouncing at the edges of the map.
• Fixed: Market — Storage records status update.
• Fixed: Terrain — Terrain titles are not raycastable.

• Changed: Currency — Moving excess currency to storage.
• Added: Commands — Expected common implementation.


• Changed: Battle — Tweaked context switch between city and battle.
• Changed: FogOfWar — Tweaks, adaptation for the new camera setup.
• Changed: Settings — Tweaks.
• Changed: Application — Context switch modified to ensure city is not updated during the battle.


• Changed: Battle — Start and end signals force command sequence.
• Changed: Battle — Force battle finalization as a way to ensure battles are always wrapped up when entering the city.

• Added: Commands — Expected command processing.


• Changed: CityActor — Optimzations.
• Changed: Market — Scientific notation numbers parsing in offer creation panel.
• Fixed: ConsumptionPopup — Consumption popup does not appear in other cities spectator mode.


• Changed: Camera — Tweak max and min zoom.
• Changed: Camera — Zoom to the cursor.
• Changed: CityActor — Renamed supplies to goods
• Fixed: Camera — Don’t break camera movement to tile after zooming.
• Fixed: Camera — Don’t reset camera after returning from other context.
• Fixed: Camera — Movement to tile.
• Fixed: Camera — Start position.
• Fixed: FloatingText — Notification when building is purchased.
• Fixed: Project — Organization tests.
• Fixed: CityActor — Actor count limitation


• Added: Notifications — Adaptive notification positions calculation.
• Added: Notifications — Appearing and fading animations.
• Added: Notifications — Configure image of notification.
• Added: Notifications — Drop animation.
• Added: Notifications — Removing notification from queue.
• Changed: CityActor — Reworked designate scenarios
• Changed: Notifications — Consumption notification.
• Changed: CityActor — Renamed supplies to goods
• Changed: CityActor — Reworked designate scenarios
• Fixed: CityActor — Actor count limitation

• Changed: Commands — Validation returns error strings to client.
• Changed: Commands — Validation time increased.


• Added: GlobalMap — HexFieldMediator definition
• Added: GlobalMap — Module definition
• Fixed: CityActor — Bug when buildings don’t change isWorking
• Fixed: CityActor — Bug with animations

• Changed: AuthorizationService — Whitelisted players can login even without required passes.


• Added: Notification — Notification for error in placing order.
• Added: Notifications — Consumption increased notification.
• Added: Notifications — Hourly payment notification. • Added: Notifications — Traid completed notification.
• Changed: Notification — Config provider.
• Changed: Notifications — Disable notification feed.
• Changed: CityNetworkSignalAdapater — Signals synchronization without StartBattleSignal.
• Changed: NetworkSignals — ExpectedNextCommandName inside network signals is now array.

• Changed: RequestState — RequestState can now track multiple expected command names.

