Daily Developer Logs 2022/10/03–06

CityStates: Devlogs
2 min readOct 6, 2022


• Added: GlobalMap — Hex field generation
• Added: Notification — Notification for error in placing order.
• Added: Notifications — Adaptive notification positions calculation.
• Added: Notifications — Appearing and fading animations.
• Added: Notifications — Configure image of notification.
• Added: Notifications — Consumption increased notification.
• Added: Notifications — Drop animation.
• Added: Notifications — Hourly payment notification.
• Added: Notifications — Removing notification from queue.
• Added: Notifications — Trade completed notification.
• Changed: Notification — Config provider.
• Changed: Notifications — Consumption notification.
• Changed: Notifications — Disable notification feed.
• Changed: Notifications — Hourly difference.
• Changed: Notifications — Tweak offer notifications.
• Fixed: Notification — Calculating offer currency.
• Fixed: Notifications — Offer placing notification.
• Added: GlobalMap — HexField Controller


• Added: GlobalMap — Destroying hexes if not existing
• Changed: CityNetwokrSignalAdapter — Minor code style improvement.
• Changed: GlobalMap — Generating views from models
• Fixed: GlobalMap — Minor fixes

• Fixed: RequestState — Fixed adding commands order.


• Added: Notification — Show how many buildings were collapsed.
• Added: Research — Overlay with nodes.
• Added: Research — Research configuration.
• Changed: CostOverviewMenu — Consumption updates with changes in building or unit states.
• Changed: Notifications — Indicate new notifications.
• Changed: Notifications — Separate hourly payment and left units notifications.
• Changed: Notifications — Tweak notification appearing.
• Fixed: Notifications — Hourly payments.
• Fixed: Notifications — Recalculate notification positions if screen size was changed.
• Fixed: Project — Organizational tests.
• Fixed: StorageBuilding — Locally simulate increase in the overall currency capacity after the repair of the storage building.
• Changed: Notifications — Show lacking resources.
• Fixed: Sounds — Play sounds at the popup opening and closing.


• Added: TrainingArena — Created training arena menu.
• Changed: Notifications — Trigger idle notification on start.
• Changed: Researches — Update research overlay with configuration.
• Fixed: Notifications — Reset notifications after dev reset.

• Added: Researches — Start and cancel researching requests.
• Changed: AuthorizationService — Changed authorization requirement checks order.
• Changed: GameState — Create research states for existing profiles.

