General Development Updates 22/11/19

CityStates: Devlogs
2 min readNov 19, 2022

As we’ve just received a new test build from the developers, we’re going to cover some of newer changes and implementations to CityStates: Medieval as our regular dev update bot is still currently down.

New visual assets for global map

For me personally, this is probably one of the most exiting changes in this build. The global map now actually looks like a map. Those of you who have seen previous videos or even tested CS:M may remember the tan placeholder background, this has now been replaced by tiles of grass, forests, sand, hills, mountains and lakes.

Although we’re not going to share any screenshots just yet (you can however expect a video once everything is tied up functionality wise) we will mention that these visuals have been made from the ground up and have not appeared in any previous CS:M builds or coverage. It’s been a long time coming but polished visuals are now starting to make their way into the game.

Resource nodes now refresh on timer

In addition to world map visuals, its functionality is also being worked on. Typically our dev notes are short and to the point like these paragraph titles and so we’re not going to reveal much about this mechanic right now. Some of you though we’re sure will be able to make pretty accurate guesses though.

Fixed bug when resource nodes were spawned on the “Water” tile

It turns out swimming in armour is almost always a fatal task. Resources no longer spawn in water and our sincere apologies to all POPS who drowned due to this bug.

UI: Remaining scouts amount is shown at the panel

A UI improvement which shows a players scouts count where it is most commonly needed to be seen.

Added timeout for creating orders on the market

This makes for better market performance so if there is an issue with creating an order it won’t hang indefinitely.

Several other UI/UX tweaks

Pretty much what it says on the tin. These will be covered in a future development update video.

Backend improvements

As always the devs are improving the backend, this generally improves stability and wait times when completing actions.

