General Development Updates

CityStates: Devlogs
3 min readNov 8, 2022

We are currently experiencing an issue with our development notes bot and so there haven’t been recent updates posted on our development log Medium blog. We’re sure many of you may be wondering what’s going on with CS:M development and this article will serve as a general catch up, highlighting some of the bigger changes and implementations.

Skill Tree:

If you missed our recent video regarding this, make sure to check it out above. The skill tree is still being worked on with more additions to come and currently in the game features over 20 skills from castle level one to fifteen. Due to having a skill tree in the game now it is much easier to introduce different systems that can become more powerful over time which we will demonstrate with our market system below.

Basic Trading & Bartering System:

When we released footage of the market it was warmly received but we did take a few notes from testers that it may be slightly overwhelming for players not familiar with market layouts like one would see when trading crypto. We had always planned on making a simplified version and this feedback confirmed how important it was. Players will first unlock Basic Trading which will allow a player to only purchase resources from the market. Currently at level five castle, a player will be able to unlock Bartering through which they can exchange one resource for another.

Below you can see that these upgrades fit in perfectly to our research tree through which players can unlock these features.

Please note that this is a very early version of bartering so there’s some improvements to come in the form of UI but here it is in action:

World Map Changes:

It’s a little early to talk in detail about the large amount of work going into the world map and is something that will certainly get a video of its own down the line, having said that, it is something that’s being worked on right now, this includes breaking the map up into hexagons much like the city as well as other backend code being developed for the movement of of military units as well as a second type of unit that we will leave you guessing for now as to what it is!

The usual bug fixes and performance enhancing:

As usual, the team regularly increase performance and solve any issues that may arise when implementing new systems. These are what generally make up the majority of our typical dev logs but are difficult to discuss in an article like this as many of them are minor changes, for those of you who do enjoy reading these, we will hopefully have the bot back online soon.

If you have stumbled across this article and are unfamiliar with CityStates: Medieval, make sure to join us on Discord where you can ask both the team or community members any questions you may have about the project!

