Announcing our CityStates Hero Lore Writing Event.

Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2021

If you haven’t been able to tell, I’m always excited when we get to announce a new competition, this one, even more so than usual as we’re giving fans a rare opportunity to have their written flavour text featured in CityStates!

We have already released the art for seven different heroes in CityStates and our Discord has been the home to speculation and fan theories when it comes down to their origin stories. Now, it’s time to make this official and we want to give our community a voice.

What is “flavour text”?

If you are unfamiliar with the term, flavour texts are small excerpts that tell the reader a little bit about the item they’re looking at (in this case, heroes). They can be anything from subtle clues, referencing a past event, or even a glimpse into the heroes personality.

Due to a limited amount of space, they are usually short and to the point.

As an example, I have written a quick flavour text for my favourite hero, Niobe:

Two daggers are always better than
one. Niobe had learnt this many
moons ago when she started her
training, unbeknownst to her royal
parents, she enjoyed the thrills of
battle more than palace luxuries.

Now, as you can see here, from this small entry, we actually learn a few details about hero, we see that Niobe has a preference for duel wielding and also that she started her training at a young age, we know that she comes from royalty and we know that she prefers combat more than luxuries. Four little fun facts that aren’t explained in great detail but make us feel like we know the hero a little better than before.

How will entries be presented?

We are looking for a short write up about a heroes lore. This should be sent in the form of a small flavour text sample which shouldn’t exceed 200 characters but should give some insight into the character.

As usual we will set a specified submission channel on our Discord.

Winners will have their entry published as the relative hero flavour text in game for all to see!


The entries must be original and not copied from existing figures.
Entries should not use profanity.
Flavour texts should be no longer than 200 characters.
You cannot reference other heroes in your entry, only the one you have chosen.
Each person may only submit 1 entry per hero.

