Announcing our Discord Community Quiz Winners and Prize Distribution.

Published in
5 min readDec 15, 2021

We recently held our first CityStates themed Discord quiz and it was a blast! We had many prizes up for grabs, and everyone walked away with something.

Although we have held a few community competitions recently, this was the first live event we had and it was truly amazing to see many people get together and have a laugh, we regularly comment on how proud we are to have such a great community behind us and last night really drove this home.

Now, onto the main question I’m sure a lot of you have — the prizes!

We wanted to make sure everyone had the chance to win something, so we came up with an inclusive prize distribution and instead of heavily focusing on the top one or two people, we gave multiple chances to win as well as participation rewards.

First Place and our current Discord Quiz King:

Dreadloaf’s Quiz King flex emoji.

Dreadloaf really earned this spot by not only having lightning fast fingers, but by also having the answers to particularly hard questions that someone might only know by really following the games development and available resources closely.

Prizes for coming first: 2000 HEX, Silver VIP Pass, 1 months Discord Nitro and perhaps the greatest prize of all, his own Discord Quiz King Emoji which he can flex on others until he is eventually dethroned. All hail Magnus, and all hail Dreadloaf!

Second place:
Walter S and violetninja

These two where out for blood and battled hard till the end, both only ending one point behind Dreadloaf himself. They will share both the second prize and the third prize between them and we have a sneaky suspicion that they will be bringing their A game to our next quiz and will be trying to dethrone Dreadloaf.

Prizes Split, each will receive: 1000 HEX, and an existing collectable NFT (first 4) of their choice.

Bonus Round Winners:

We held three bonus rounds in which contestants had to complete tasks to win prizes. The winners are as follows:

Magnus Treasure Hunt:

Many were fooled by Magnus showing up and taunting them with the fake promise of treasure, however Murtagh9050 kept on searching and managed to find the coordinates.

Prizes: 1 months Discord Nitro, 750 HEX and an existing collectable NFT (first 4) of their choice.

CityStates Poem Writing:

Perhaps one of the trickier tasks, contestants had a very short amount of time to get their CityStates themed poem in. Submitting fractions of a second before the buzzer, TheDuke42 wrote the following masterpiece that secured him the bonus win!

City states is the one place
Where I can fight and smash your face
Only if I can win
Oh please guru let me in

Prizes: Silver VIP Pass, 750 HEX and an existing collectable NFT (first 4) of their choice.

Make a C S M Chain:
DriedBanana violetninja Dr_Tacopus

In this contest, players had to link the letters CSM by only typing out one at a time and linking the phrase with two other players. This turned out to be absolutely bonkers as contestants spammed the channel to a temporary standstill trying to win the last round of the night. Somehow, Ein_Art managed to capture the winners, and after looking through a jungle of random letters we are pleased to announce that this was the winning trio, well done guys!

Prizes (each will receive) Bronze VIP Pass, 500HEX and an existing collectable NFT (first 4) of their choice.

Hard Question Winners

Not only did we award the bonus round prizes, but those who managed to answer particularly hard questions also got something extra.

Hard Question Winners


Prizes: Winners who answered a hard question each secured themselves a choice between a Bronze VIP Pass or existing collectable NFT (first 4) of their choice.

Sneaky Question Winners:

We also threw in a couple of sneaky questions, designed to bait out wrong answers or to confuse contestants. Those quick enough to outwit the question before anyone else also managed to lock in some extra loot!

Sneaky Question Winners:


Prizes: Both will have to make the choice between a VIP Silver Pass or an an existing collectable NFT (first 4) of their choice.

Participation Rewards:

As mentioned, if you showed up and tried to answer at least one question you will receive our newly minted collectable NFT which will be The Forest! Also, if you were the first to answer correctly, you will receive a bonus of 150HEX per answer. Not only that, but we set aside 8500HEX for anyone who played which will be divided up between the applicable wallets posted in the “Quiz Wallet Posting” thread in the #quiz-event channel on Discord. The thread is pinned for easy access, please don’t forget to leave your WAX address to receive your prizes!

Participation collectable NFT. Behold its beauty!

On a personal note, I want to say thanks for showing up and making this event as fun and as awesome as it was. Also, a big thanks to both Ein_Art for donating Nitro as well as violetninja for the amazing 10k HEX donation. As mentioned we will host another quiz down the line with some improvements to the structure, including making the events more inclusive to those who can’t type as fast, so start studying guys, because the questions will be harder and sneakier with bonus rounds more hectic than before! See you there!

