CityStates 1st PackSale Date Announcement

Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2021

For those not in the know, there was a typhoon here in the Philippines which caused an electricity and internet outage for several days. Unfortunately due to this our timeline has been corrupted a little bit. At least we can say that a natural disaster is needed for us to miss some form of deadline

The PackSale was planned to be from Dec 21st-Dec 23rd - ready for Xmas . Since the three day advance promise can’t be held up anymore, the PackSale for passholders has been moved to Dec 26-Dec 28th.

Every Tier will have at least 24 hours to place their order. There is no need to rush but also no need to keep it until the last minute

All times are in GMT:

  • Gold VIP Pass:
    Dec 26th Start time: 1:00 PM
  • Silver VIP Pass:
    Dec 27th Start time 2:00 PM
  • Bronze VIP Pass:
    Dec 28th Start time 3:00 PM
  • Dashboard Sale
    Ongoing after Bronze Pass was held.

We managed to add external payment from non-connected Metamask/BSC wallets without prior topup via BNB and several BSC based stablecoins. Special thanks to Fabio here!
Any potential refunds in case your order is not 100% successful will be credited to your account in USD(A) and can be withdrawn as stablecoin or swapped to other currency.

All Packs will be issued to your Dashboard account as ‘virtual NFTs’ first and can be minted to your WAX wallet in the new year. Users that locked up CSM for a pass know this procedure already. Don’t be scared, it’s literally just one click but we want everyone to be able to unpack at the same time so we added this little roadblock

After the planned unpacking event in our Discord server, remaining packs will be minted for purchase on external marketplaces like AtomicHub.

This new timeline also means that the CS:M PvP beta which was promised for end of this year (and was planned to start Dec 28th) will happen in January instead. A fix date will be announced. We could’ve done the beta first by switching timeline with the Sale but want to have users be able to use their Hero NFTs already while testing. I think that’s in the interest of everyone eligible for the PvP beta.

We’ve been told that there could be additional times where electricity will be cut off for our area here for repair work on the system. If these go as planned (few hours per day only) the timeline as above stays. In case of extended outages the timeline may be prone to be adjusted again.

