CityStates Guide Creation Competition

Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2021

Uncle Magnus is requesting all CityStates fans to heed the call and enter our latest contest in which we’re looking for people to help out the community and win prizes while doing it!

As many of you know, our last contest favoured those with artistic flair. This time we’re giving those who have learned the ropes and can clearly communicate to others how to carry out many of the tasks required to manage ones City States account a chance to win some rewards.

We are specifically looking for guides on the following features:

Dashboard related:
How to deposit and withdraw to and from the dashboard
How to integrate your Wax Wallet to the dashboard
Explaining the swap function and how to use it
Explaining the purpose of the NFT section and how to use it
Explaining wallet white listing and how to set this up

Off-site related:
How to set up a Wax wallet address and use Atomic Hub in regards to what’s needed for City States.
Installing and joining our Discord whilst noting key channels of interest.


The guides must be written in English.

Images are a powerful tool so please use these where appropriate.

Articles must be submitted on a blog such as Medium, publish0x, Steem etc (but feel free to use your preferred service).


Credit CyberPunk (From our previous fan art competition)

Entries that make it into the published guide will receive our newly minted collectable NFT! To clarify this, we will most likely end up amalgamating information from multiple guides. Contestant who have all or part of their entry contributed to this will receive our new stunning collectable Stone Tile NFT reward!

First Place:
The contestant who puts together the best article will earn themselves a Gold VIP Pass. (~$1000)

Second Place:
The contestant who comes in second will earn a Silver VIP Pass. (~$500)

Contestants who’s articles didn’t achieve first or second place but still contributed a strong entry will earn a Bronze VIP Pass.(~$130)

Please submit these via the new “guide-competition” discord channel where you will be able to verify which guide option you’re working on.

As always, best of luck to everyone!

