Discord Setup Guide for CityStates

Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2021

The CS:M Discord is the place where you can find everything you need to know about CityStates:Medieval, as well as CityStates: Domination. Here you can:

  • Ask questions
  • Read important updates
  • Meet new friends
  • And much more (such as following and providing input on concept art designs)

Accessing and navigating Discord

The main day-to-day activity in the community is handled through the popular social messenger app Discord. While it is fully available as a web app, you can also download it for desktop or mobile. Either way, you will be required to create a personal account when using the app for the first time, after which you will be able to enter.


On Discord, communities are created as isolated servers which can be customised for different purposes. There are several ways to join the CityStates Discord server. You can use the plus sign icon at the bottom left hand side of your app to trigger the server creation window shown below, after which you can click the bottom button Join a server and input the link https://discord.gg/citystates. Alternatively, you can click the link directly in your browser, and it will attempt to connect using an open app, and, if not possible, default to using the browser app instead.


When accessing a server for the first time, you will likely get a popup with various rules and terms to agree to before proceeding further, and the CityStates Discord is no exception. Please read carefully before proceeding, and you should now be in the welcome channel as shown below.

Once you’ve joined, you will first be taken to the #welcome channel. Here, you need to make sure you get the “All Hail Magnus” role. Do this by following the instructions in the channel, and clicking on the “Magnus” icon. This will allow you to see all of the channels you need in the discord.

Important channels you need to know about!

  1. #announcements and #dev-updates

These two channels are where you can find all the important news related to CS:M and CS:DO. The announcement channel is for any announcements that the devs think you need to know! The dev-update channel is specifically for the daily dev-update listings. These are often more technical/behind the scenes game development updates.

2. #faq and #nft-faq

These two channels answer commonly asked questions. I’d you have a question, check these channels out as your question likely has already been answered there!

3. #general

This channel is where much of the game discussion is done. Here talk about all things CS:M, ask questions, meet friends!

4. #CS-Domination

This channel is specifically for CS:DO conversation. Please try to keep CS:DO discussions here and not in general.

5. #NFT-Discussion, #Price-Discussion, #Crypto-Discussion

These three channels are dedicated to NFT, Price, and Crypto discussions respectively. To talk about NFTs check out the NFT-discussion channel. To talk about CSM price/tokenomics, go to the Price-Discussion channel. For all things cryptocurrency, including discussion not related to CS:M, check out the Crypto-Discussion channel.

There are many, many more channels, as you’ve probably have seen, but the above ones are a great place to start. These are the main ones I use, and the most helpful to me, but there are others you may want to use too!

It is a good idea to immediately consider which channels or categories you will not be interested in and start muting them by right-clicking and selecting the mute option. This can also be done on the entire server as one. Any large community server is bound to have frequently active and directly spammy channels which cause a lot of noise if you don’t filter it out sooner or later.

There are a lot of other intricacies to using and getting familiar with Discord, but the best way is learning by doing and interacting with the app and the community. You may also find new friends and other communities over time while sticking around! And of course, people are always ready to assist you.

