CS:M Global Map Reveal

Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2023

If you missed it on our YouTube, we recently posted a video showcasing the Global Map in CS:M.

The Map allows players to explore the world of CS:M, uncovering not only other player locations but also missions which can be completed in order to secure more resources to help build your city.

Make sure to check out the video above to see the map in action, but for those of you who just want to read, continue down this article for a breakdown of mechanics.

There are currently 4 different mechanics on the Global Map alone, these are:


Players can research scouts and use these to reveal the map. Initially, a player will only be able to see the immediate area around their city. As a player advances their city, they will be able to research additional scouts as well as increasing scouting speed to make uncovering further distances less time consuming.


Players will also be able to find areas on the map such as abandoned mines and send squads to these to loot their resources. These are designed to allow multiple players to farm them.

Bandit Camps:

Similarly to missions, players will also discover random bandit camps on the map. These can be attacked (combat is auto resolved for these). Players will need to be careful they have and send the right squads to defeat these or they may possibly be defeated and come home empty handed.

Player Raids:

And finally (for now), player can establish a defensive garrison in their city and also attack other players on the map. Like bandit camps, the combat for these is automatically resolved. While this can be very profitable, you are essentially declaring war on another player, so do so with caution and be prepared for retaliation!

