General Updates for Development and Socials.

Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2022

Those of you who follow our development closely on Discord may have noticed that in the last couple of months we’ve been putting out more video based content as well as our regular Twitter and Reddit posts and as a result, despite the immense amount of work going into both CityStates games, our Medium page has been somewhat of the classic tumble weed scene.

This post will serve to catch people up who primarily follow us here, as well as to let you know that going forward, we will be posting updates and primary content on Medium once again as not everything is suitable for videos and Reddit is somewhat limited.

What’s been going on since our closed beta event?

To summarize, a lot! After we cleared the battlefields and crowned our tournament winners the dev team turned their focus to the city building element of CityStates and if you haven’t been following our other channels of communication lately, you may just be surprised at how far things have come along.

Back in March, we released our first video footage of the city in action and some basic gameplay elements such as building basic resource buildings as well as basic level population management. If you missed it, make sure to check it out here:

Once the dev team had the foundations in place and playable they started shifting their focus onto buildings that had more complex mechanics and interactions such as the smelter and forge. We published another video showing how a player might take a simple raw material they mined such as iron and crafted it into an iron bar in the smelter, and then using the forge to make tools and weapons. This was a great example of your day to day management of resources in CityStates: Medieval and if you want to see it an action, we encourage you to check out these processes in real time in the video below:

Right now, the team are working on implementing the remaining buildings, such as the barracks and the the camp. You can expect to see a video made for this soon which will show these in more detail, however, if you made it to the end of this article despite maybe already knowing everything mentioned so far, we do have a sneak preview of our camp producing units for you ;)

While all this is going on we are also constantly working on balance aspects of the game which as you can imagine requires quite a lot of testing so it feels right. We do have an upcoming interview with Setra himself. Setra, if you don’t know has been working hard on writing tables of data containing this information and as mentioned will be sharing his time with us to discuss this process and answer questions on this topic.

In closing

And that’s your speed run through CS:M development since we left off here on Medium. There have of course been many improvements to back end functions and networking which if you want to check out, you can visit our Reddit to see previous development logs. As always though, we recommend joining our Discord for regular updates and to ask the team or our great community any questions you may have about CityStates: Medieval or Domination.

