New 3D models for CityStates: Medieval Heroes.

Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2022

If you missed the recent post on Telegram. We unveiled 7 of our 3D hero models with their correct poses. Previously we’ve teased some of these but they hadn’t been rigged and had been in the standard T-pose. Currently we have three tiers of hero card rarity, these are to be used for the fourth tier.

We’re really happy with how these have come together and are pleased to show them off to those of you who may have missed them the first time around. So, without any further ado let’s get started!


We actually had a battle pose for Magnus a while back as many long terms fans might remember. We recently had him remodelled and he’s looking fiercer than ever! We did show him off in a previous post but he’d probably kill us if we didn’t put him back in the limelight.


Speaking of fierce, here’s another hero you certainly don’t want to cross. Freya is as always, ready to slay those misfortunate enough to find themselves her enemy.


We all were extremely impressed when we saw Atiena’s base T-Pose model, she is a personal favourite of mine and this action pose delivers in spades capturing both her grace when delivering arrows fired with what we can assure you is deadly precision.


A classic crowd favourite when it comes to our community. Perhaps one day we may see him without his helmet, but for now he is easily recognised by the burning sun emblem engraved on his armour as well as his massive blood red sword he wields. The colouring is just dye though… Right?


Although we already have a varied cast of heroes, Izel’s aesthetic really stands out for all the right reasons. The character rigger (person who sets the poses) really knocked this one out of the park as it perfectly captures our shaman friend in mid dance, perhaps preforming some sort of ritual.


When you think of a ninja, this is the pose that comes to mind, looking as deadly as her current +1 action point ability, we’re just glad she’s on our side, for now.


And finally, last but not least, the grey wolf himself. Not much is known about this hero to date but if there’s one thing for certain, we can tell he’s ready to fight. Don’t let his bone spear find a soft spot in your troop armour or it’s all over.

And that’s all for now folks. We hope you like them as much as we do and as always we welcome any feedback (even if you just want to let us know who your favourite is — in fact please do, we’re curious!) on Discord.

