PVP Ranked Ladder Opening on 21/02/23

Published in
3 min readFeb 18, 2023

Basic Information:

Typically, these ranked ladders will have a set run time, but seeing as we are in a test phase, in this instance the competition will run till the end of the test.

The concept is simple, defeat other players (PVE does not count) and win points.

Due to how the ladder system is designed, players who defeat opponents much higher ranked than them will receive significantly more points than players who challenge those ranked far below them. The same holds true for losses, if a player is defeated by an opponent ranked much higher than then, the points loss will be reduced.

This system rewards players who punch upwards as opposed to attempting to farm those less skilled or experienced than them and gives newer aspirants a fighting chance to compete.

How To Enter?

You will need military squads to play. In order to be competitive, aspirants will want to make sure their city is producing enough food through their farms and to reach castle level 6 in order to have access to the barracks, camp and archery range buildings to produce all four troop types.

Once you have five squads built, you can challenge other players by clicking into the PVP arena menu.

  1. You will want to select your hero NFTs for battle. Each player can bring 5 different heroes for their active abilities and set one hero as their main which will use that heroes passive.
  2. You will also want to select which squads you wish to use for your next battle, in this menu, you can also equip each squad with gear if you have crafted any, common gear is easily accessible and can be built in the level 5+ forge providing you have researched “Blacksmith Mastery I”.
  3. And finally, once content with your load out you can click “battle” in order to host or join other players games. Due to the relatively low amount of players in the test server, if you can’t get a game going here, feel free to use our Discord to find opponents.


  1. No win trading. Win trading is when players intentionally allow other players to win battles. All battles are recorded and can be reviewed. Anyone caught trying to game the system will not only be removed from this competition, but also banned from future PVP events.
  2. Be courteous. I know we probably don’t need to mention this as you guys are great but sometimes competitive gaming brings out the worst in people. Be humble in victory and graceful in defeat, banter amongst friends is of course fine.
  3. Ladder points gained now will not count, the ladder will be reset in time for the competition, but please use the next few days as a chance to hone your skills.


The top 10 players at the end of the season will receive prizes which will be announced later. Any player that finishes with at least 1 point on the ladder will receive one of our collectable NFTs — these have no use in game but as Freya puts it:

Best of luck to everyone who enters!

If you have stumbled across this article and are not familiar with our project but like what you see, you too can join in the fun, all you need to do is hop on our Discord and apply for a whitelist!

