Two new heroes designed for CityStates: Medieval

Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2022

Recently we’ve been focused on reporting updates covering the development of the game itself and along the way we’ve taken a quick side glance and shown off some of our current heroes and the work going into their 3D models (which if you haven’t seen, make sure to check them out as they’re looking great!).

Today however, we have two new heroes to showcase that you may have missed if you’re not a regular in our heroes-n-concepts channel on our Discord. If you didn’t know this is where our artist Ein_Art posts new heroes as she designs them, taking feedback through different stages of the process.

We’re now up to a total of 12 unique heroes in CityStates: Medieval, each one representing a completely different culture from back in the Middle Ages and there’s still many more to do!

Our first new hero is inspired from the Inuit culture and already there’s been some interesting community chat in regard to his possible abilities in game:

And we have somewhat of a song of ice and fire, or at least tropical warmth as in contrast to our Inuit friend, our next hero’s inspiration is from the Philippians (I know we have a good few of you on Discord so we hope you enjoy your representation!).

We’re already looking forward to seeing who the next hero is. As mentioned above, make sure to join us on Discord to let us know what you think, or which culture you’d like to see represented in CS:M and of course to ask any other questions you may have about the game.

