Estoy en la ciudad de México!


Isabel Tang
Ciudad de Mexico


Hola familia y amigos,

I have arrived safely in Mexico city by God’s grace! There were times the turbulence had me take the fetal position — thus warranting some worried stares from the ladies beside me — but the pilots tore through the winds and got us into Mexico city all in one piece.

Above Mexico City
Somewhere above Mexico, just outside of the city

The connection flight to Mexico City from Miami was a thrill! Looking outside the aeroplane window was like watching a roll of negatives slowly shifting from one seamless frame to the next. Everything seemed frozen, or nearly frozen — one second of change out there seemed like an hour of change in the plane.

Flying above Mexico City I was surprised at its vastness. Stretches of largely red and beige speckled buildings consumed the flatlands and tenaciously clung onto the sides of the mountains. I thought, it would take years just to get to know even a microscopic part of the city.

The airport is located in the heart of the east-end of the city, just a couple minutes away from John and Karen’s apartment. Pastor John(who picked me up) said it would take about an hour and a half in good traffic to get from one end of the city to the other. They live in the new China-town where the fresh wave of Cantonese speaking immigrants have settled and built up businesses. There are two Chinese churches in this area called Viaducto. Also, a must-know here is that there are only five authentic Chinese restaurants. -30-

