Building the Binance of DeFi

More trade types, smarter routing, and cheaper gas than Uniswap

Published in
6 min readJan 29, 2022


Welcoming the new CivTrade v2

Civilization aims at making DeFi trading accessible to everyone, but Decentralized Finance (DeFi) may feel confusing at first.

Visible and invisible costs; no order books, automation or trade history: missing many familiar functionalities usually found on centralized exchanges (CEX), or in traditional finance. ​

That was the first generation of DeFi.

Now — Enter CivTrade.


CivTrade v2 offers more trade types, smarter routing, and cheaper gas than Uniswap or any other DeFi protocol: choose market or limit trades, always at the lowest cost.

  1. The world’s first fully Automated Order Book (AOB)
  2. Limit orders earning fees, with 0 slippage and 0 price impact
  3. Over 5,000 tokens on Eth & Polygon
  4. Lower gas fees than Uniswap
  5. Automated execution & Auto Smart Routing (ASR)

CivTrade introduced Limit Orders to DeFi. CivTrade v2 innovates with radically new execution, unlike anything ever seen before. The traditional order book that traders were typically already used to, but on DeFi, plus earning fees and with zero impact!


CivTrade v2 introduces new order types.

Market / Instant orders

Target / Limit is the best option for all Polygon trades and for Ethereum mainnet trades worth 0.3 ETH or more. Check the next section for the exact gas savings!

For smaller mainnet trades, or when the speed of execution is crucial, Market / Instant trades are preferable: those are executed using the 1inch API for optimal routing across all liquidity pools available anywhere.

CivTrade v2 also introduces Limit / Cheaper trades, as well as experimental support for tax-on-transfer tokens and also DAO-adjustable protocol fees.

Limit / Cheaper orders

CivTrade v2 also introduces the new Limit / Cheaper order type.

Voice of the user: CivTrade v1 on Ethereum was expensive. The Return On Investment (ROI) was spectacular, but there was a barrier to entry. New CivTrade v2 benefits: lower gas fees than Uniswap.

Initial projections:

  1. -18.7% cheaper for Limit Trade/Faster vs adding Uniswap v3 liquidity
  2. -82.6% cheaper for Limit Trade/Cheaper vs traditional v3 swap
  3. -4.1% cheaper for Market Trade vs traditional Uniswap

The Limit: Cheaper trade type, created in CivTrade v2, relays your native token transactions and cuts away the majority of gas costs.

You only pay the gas to transfer native tokens, which is one of the cheapest blockchain operations. If feedback and adoption will be positive, this option can later be further expanded to any ERC20 token and zero gas consumption.

The new Limit Trade/Faster, upgraded in CivTrade v2, cuts up to 70% of gas costs compared to the previous version of CivTrade v1.

The Market trade type, now supported by adopting the 1inch API, routes your transaction along with the most efficient execution, trading off gas savings against output token growth.

Typically a Market trade will save gas versus Uniswap v3, except when the new Auto Smart Routing system finds more profitable opportunities to split your trade across multiple pools, increasing the gas costs by less than the gain obtained thanks to the greater amount of tokens received in output.

Gas usage

For every trade type, gas is cheaper or equivalent to Uniswap v3, a smart but not retail-user friendly system. Let CivTrade help!

Note: the table above details the gas units used by each type of trade, averaged across different tokens since each token may have a different transfer function and gas cost. Check the appendix below, for further info.

For Market / Instant trades, basic gas fees are payable in all cases.

For Target / Limit trades, you can choose Faster or Cheaper using CivTrade v2:

The Faster option was introduced in CivTrade v1. The Cheaper option was introduced in CivTrade v2, whereby the user pays minimal or zero gas upfront.

The Cheaper system adds a tick to the target price, so to mint extra liquidity fees that cover the initial gas price. The user is better off when the position is allowed to fill. However, to pre-close the CivTrade the user must pay the initial gas cost.

Zero gas fees at exit due for auto-filled positions.

To pre-close an open position before it’s filled free, the user must pay gas.

Auto Smart Routing

CivTrade v2 does not only introduce new trade types, but also the Auto Smart Router. To every trade type, its optimal execution.

Benefits to users, additional to gas savings:

  • Zero need for manual comparison checks
  • Zero need for manual pool selection
  • 100% optimal choice based on market conditions

CivTrade v2 also introduces a new order watcher, that solves some issues observed on Civtrade v1 with its Chainlink Keeper for the Polygon blockchain.


Market trades follow the same process as Uniswap.

Limit trades still use the exact same 4 steps for every CivTrade v2, like for CivTrade v1:

  1. Open a new trading position at your preferred Target Price, by using the dedicated dapp
  2. The CIV smart contract confirms that the trade is feasible & opens a custom single-sided liquidity pool on your behalf
  3. Uniswap v3, an advanced liquidity pool system so that anyone can trade your tokens, executes trades with that pool, from when the market moves to your Target Price and until your position is filled
  4. The automated on-chain monitoring of CivTrade completes the trade and pays funds directly to your wallet immediately.


The CivTrade dApp is accessible via this link.

Link to the video introduction:

Building the Binance of DeFi

Read here to learn more about the advantages of CivTrade and how to use it.

Civilization: the benefits of DeFi, for everyone

Don’t miss any CivTrade news: Join our official Telegram Announcements Channel

Happy CivTrading with CivTrade v2

PS: To learn more about Civilization, please read our vision blog post:

About Civilization

Civilization, also branded the Burning Man of Finance, is the world’s first Decentralized Investment Fund. CIV stems from the initials of Community Investment Vehicle: the world’s first hedge fund owned and managed directly by its own investors. The funds donated so far have reached $1million and the aim is for CIV to generate enough returns to become self-sufficient. It has already launched its first product, CivTrade, with over $5 million already successfully traded. Now Civilization aims to launch CivFarm and CivFund to make the benefits of Decentralized Finance accessible to everyone.

Learn more about Civilization by visiting and reading the blog at For any questions, please reach out via the Telegram group.

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A reduction in gas units will result in lower $ gas costs in any market condition, regardless of gas price or $ per native token.

The $ gas cost value shown by the wallet when trading is =

Where 1⁰⁹ is the factor to align the price of gas (GWei — “GigaWei”) to the unit of gas (Wei).

So, for example on ETH, the price of a CivTrade v2 Limit: Cheaper, with $3,000 per ETH and gasPrice = 80 GWei, is:

