Civilization Rodmap Update

Development work progress — Q4 2022

ICEMAN - Civilization
Published in
4 min readNov 4, 2022


CIVians, we have some pretty big updates — so big we decided to share them with a Medium post! These updates relate to CivFarm and our much anticipated CivFund. Brace yourself.

Expanding CivFarm

We will release v2 of CivFarm in the coming weeks. v2 will have an array of new and exciting features, including:

  • Lock
  • DAO pools

Fully aligned with our vision, this update delivers what the community has voiced it wants in v2, further empowering individuals with comprehensive decentralized financial tools. Additional features (like Auto compound) will be released gradually to allow the community to become familiar with them.

In order to take advantage of the new features, the community will be required to migrate their positions from the old (Legacy) pools to the new ones. The migration will have to be done manually and cannot be done automatically because in no way is there a chance for the dev team to be able to access your funds.


We are working tirelessly on our crown jewel, CivFund, with a second parallel dev sub-team contributing to this feat.

What we have developed CivFund to be already is quite encouraging.

We have reached a significant milestone: cracking the problem of impermanent loss. We accomplished this with a specific strategy that relies on the “perfect hedge,” meaning zero market exposure. We believe this signals yet another massive sign of our ecosystem’s maturity and development. Tackling this substantial milestone started in June, with countless hours of testing and tweaking along the way. We have recorded success whether markets were up, down, or chopped sideways.

Our work so far has focused on v2 liquidity pools, deployable on any blockchain or liquidity type. We will eventually shift our focus to v3 pools as we initially planned. The goal will be to deploy any pool and any asset type.

As stated in our whitepaper, the first version of the fund will focus on low-risk and mainstream assets, hedged and market-neutral. This is primarily to minimize some risks to the credibility of the fund upfront.

Although we aim to give investors the freedom to choose whatever asset they please, we will initially allow only one, in line with our approach (v1 first, test and learn, then iterate with v2), as we did with CivTrade and are currently doing with CivFarm.

Be mindful that this will occur over a period of time and not be the case out of the gate. Stable coins, ETH, and other assets like WBTC and potentially many more, will eventually be investable into CivFund.

As laid out in the white paper, CivFund will use part of its exit performance fees to buy (on the market) and burn $CIV.

What’s new is that some ideas are floating around regarding Stone utility and CivFund: pending DAO consensus, CivFund may require Stone to be able to either initiate a position or receive a discount.

While some details are undecided, we know with certainty that there will be a “technical audit” before CivFund becomes available to the general public. These can last months, and we are not even at the point of choosing an auditor yet. We will keep the community in the loop as this approaches. Remember, good things take time!

While under audit, we will likely have a pre-launch where the community can invest in CivFund. It will do this in a more traditional way than how investing in the fund will ultimately be done. This will be advantageous to Civilization, allowing us to monitor performance and establish a track record early on without bringing risks associated with a public interface (which must wait until the audit is complete).

Do not trust anyone offering you access to the Fund privately, as this will not be possible.

We will make the official terms of access available on all official channels. Consider anyone that claims to be able to get you early access (including people pretending to be others) as a scammer. Do not trust them at all.

Do not be greedy, and do not be foolish.

The “Announcements” Telegram channel is ultimately the only authorized source: when something is critically important, we post it there.

Beyond the expansion of our ecosystem’s intrinsic value and the boost it will give our marketing capability, we are excited with all that is happening with Civilization, and especially demonstrating how we are continuing to deliver according to our vision: bringing the benefits of DeFi to everyone with comprehensive decentralized financial tools. We have every intention of using these building blocks and learning opportunities to craft CivFund to be the best it can be.

Onwards and upwards, CIVians! #WeAreCIV

Join the Civilization Telegram group to discover our innovation roadmap

PS: To learn more about Civilization, please read our vision blog post:

About Civilization

Civilization is the world’s first Decentralized Investment Fund: owned and managed directly by its own users. Token $CIV: the Community Investment Vehicle.

Its CivTrade reached volume of $5 million in its first month, earning $1,718 extra per trade while saving -37.5% gas versus Uniswap. The ProView upgrade achieved functional equivalence with Binance, but fully DeX / DeFi.

Also branded the Burning Man of Finance, Civilization now plans CivFarm and CivFund, to make the benefits of Decentralized Finance accessible to everyone. Any questions? Please join the global Telegram group.

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ICEMAN - Civilization
Editor for

Civilization is the first decentralized investment fund. Website: civfund.org