Civilization v2 White Paper Published

Turning the corner into the homestretch

Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2022


CIVians! We have some exciting news for you today!

After some time, the wait is now finally over! Following the DAO vote to adopt the proposed white paper in late June, the new version (v2) is now finally published!

Civilization Value Creation

Looking back over the past year since Civilization’s inception, the evolution and growth of the ecosystem has been significant. From the launch of CivTrade, to the launch of CivFarm, testing the first CivFund strategies, and the steady increase of the number of token holders comprising our community, all the necessary elements needed to redesign and rewrite the original white paper had fallen into place.

v2 of the white paper addresses how the three products of the Civilization ecosystem work in greater detail, indicating the direction the community is taking the project in line with path it set out for. v2 best reflects our entire ecosystem — dApps, products, services, and community — at the present time. Publishing it marks the beginning of a new chapter. While not exhaustive, we clearly state our vision in light of the problems/opportunities we have identified, introduce ourselves as a community, and outline everything currently in our ecosystem. Our dApp Manual section is more for thorough discussion and instruction on our dApps, for those who want to dive in a little deeper.

Clear, concise, tech and product focused execution. We are entering a new chapter, Civilization!

Don’t take my word for it — check it out for yourself using the following link.

The Creative Tribe hopes you enjoy it! Let us know what you think in the comments below! Most importantly, share it with the world!

We envision drafting a v3 eventually, most likely around the launch of CivFund. If you want to participate in the process of crafting it, consider joining the Creative Tribe! We could use as many perspectives and as much input as possible!

Onwards and upwards, CIVians! A new day has come! Democratization now and DeFi for all! #WeAreCIV

About Civilization

Civilization, also branded the Burning Man of Finance, is the world’s first Decentralized Investment Fund. CIV stems from the initials of Community Investment Vehicle: the world’s first hedge fund owned and managed directly by its own investors. The funds donated so far have reached $1million and the aim is for CIV to generate enough returns to become self-sufficient. It has already launched its first product, CivTrade, with over $5 million already successfully traded. Now Civilization aims to launch CivFarm and CivFund to make the benefits of Decentralized Finance accessible to everyone.

Learn more about Civilization by visiting civfund.org and reading the blog at news.civfund.org. For any questions, please reach out via the Telegram group.

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