Here’s To A $CIV 2022!

Inspiring a new generation towards financial freedom

Published in
7 min readJan 1, 2022


Civilization is on a mission: giving everyone the opportunity to achieve financial freedom

A great year in retrospective

Civilization was born 5 months ago, on July 31st 2021 after my initial post outlined the vision for our ambitious journey. We started with a simple question:

Is it possible to give everyone a fair opportunity at financial freedom, independence, and success, regardless of their background, resources or personal network?

2021 already brought exciting initial progress:

What next?

Are you ready?

Not everyone is ready for financial freedom. The road is long-winded, full of bumps and dumps, and not for the faint-hearted. I am gifting you the gift of yourself; now, whether you want it or not, is up to you to decide. Financial freedom is about stopping to ask, and starting to do.

For those who are already helping, we have plenty on our roadmap. Yes, our plan has been somewhat pushed back by the unnecessary delay with the audit, but in the grand scheme of things, nothing changed.

We remain firmly grounded on our vision and ambition.

Some other issues continue to occur every day, on top of the one-off audit delay. We continue to attract our fair share of hackers, scammers and cloners:

  • Hackers, have been a constant presence ever since the beginning. So far, their best success was to take down our website for a couple hours on August 24 — a meagre bounty — and to stimulate the development of our innovative Telegram group protection solution. Thanks to us, this has now been also adopted by the Shiba Inu and Saitama Inu Telegram communities. Our new bug bounty with Immunefi has welcomed 5 helpful white-hat hackers helping us push forward our security, keep them coming for more bounties!
  • Scammers, are a sad reality of DeFi. For example, on average we have ~3 new Discord server joiners per week impersonating fake helpdesk users (they get banned pretty fast), let alone the fake Uniswap app on Android (new joiners are warned by our Telegram pinned message), countless scam sites try to get people’s secret phrase (never ever give it away!). Scammers may sometimes win a battle, but sure they lose the war, in terms of benefits they reap, compared to honest people. We hate scammers!
  • Cloners, have also been constant companions along our journey. We had at least 3 projects spin-off from our Telegram chats soliciting CIVians to join other new groups, with various degrees of relevance to our own roadmap (from irrelevant scams to outright clones). While this is a bullish demonstration of the inspirational power of our community, whoever will get too close to our proprietary product ideas will not just meet our disapproval, but also legal challenge. Having patent-pending products doesn’t prohibit other people from trying to copy (it’s a free world), but gives us the right to their profits plus damages. We sincerely hope never to need recourse to this protection, but remain ready should the need arise!

These are the people in bad faith, not deserving financial freedom but scorn. So long as we keep our community open to good faith people, a smaller proportion of people in bad faith will always come.

While we continue to protect the Civilization ecosystem, our focus remains to:

Serve the world, by giving as positive an opportunity at financial freedom to as many people as possible.

If you are ready to embark on this journey, a peek preview of our 2022!

Next steps for 2022

CIVians, here’s what’s coming for 2022.

Marketing CivTrade

While this is the first of our products, it’s likely to be the one with the greatest long-term potential. Already today, the interest for our Polygon solution is demonstrated by the 3x volume of CivTrades compared to Ethereum, in spite of the underlying Uniswap liquidity being <1%.

As I wrote since the very beginning, executing a limit trade through liquidity pools is a more complex contract using more gas than a traditional swap, and therefore the price of gas may raise a temporary initial barrier to adoption. However, three factors will play to the long-term potential of CivTrade:

  1. Beacon upgrade of Ethereum. This is poised to substantially reduce the gas price of Eth transactions. Furthermore, new L2 solutions like Polygon will continue to attract trading volume at lower gas-cost destinations. So our underlying addressable volume and market share will have tailwinds to push organic growth.
  2. Growing demands of DeFi traders. So far, DeFi has been the calling port of degenerates, innovators and niche enthusiasts. As DeFi continues its march towards mainstream adoption, so will the skills of DeFi traders grow. Therefore, they will demand of DeFi the same tech capability they expect to find at other non-DeFi platforms such as Binance. And the ability to set target prices is the first of the list, for smart traders.
  3. Word-of-mouth awareness of our incredible business case benefits. People’s self-interest can compound to surprisingly powerful & resilient motivation over time. Receiving up to 90% more output tokens will bring larger and larger traders to us.

For all of these reasons, marketing CivTrade remains our first and foremost priority. DexMan will lead an interesting in-person workshop with Chainlink on January 21st 2022 in London, and our community voted (and donated!) to publish a new piece on Cointelegraph, for starters. Let the marketing Gods be with CivTrade for all of 2022 and beyond!

Launching CivFarm

The time to get down to business on CivFarm is rapidly approaching. Since the audit also covered its code, we won’t risk further delays while working on it.

In order to build a compelling product, attract new developers, and retain our innovative edge, we will begin the CivFarm deploy with launching a new rewards token. This token will only be earned by:

  • Staking $CIV and our exclusive NFTs
  • Providing Liquidity
  • Using our products.

In turn, the new token can be used for:

  • Staking
  • Providing Liquidity
  • Buying new status NFTs to unlock products and features
  • Making CivStore purchases
  • Spending in-game, when developed.

The advanced tokenomics of this token’s trading will contribute to:

  • Marketing & dev costs
  • Token burns
  • Community & tokenholder benefits.

This will be an exciting innovation, creating a self-sustained eco-system of developers, traders and marketers, as per our original vision!

Further Farms, when created, will expand to cover all Uniswap v3 tokens that traders will want an exposure to, marking our transition to the Fund deployment.

Deploying CivFund

CivFarm will provide experience and exposure. CivFund will complete the vision of our first CivPaper, and unlock additional plans for future growth — on the marketing front (building a game, expanding the community, broadcasting Civ to the whole world) as well as the tech dev front (new trading strategies, new traders, off-crypto expansion).

To the moon and beyond, is where we are headed in 2022.

May Decentralization win.

Onwards and upwards, CIVians, love always!


PS who am I?

I get asked this question.

As I already wrote:

Who I am is not very important. I am a nobody, I am not important. The efforts to unmask my “identity” even if successful would be underwhelming. I am just some guy of no consequence tapping at a keyboard and I am replaceable. You can stop me, maybe, but never can you stop the mighty CIVian community!

Furthermore, I also get asked (occasionally): why doesn’t Sator get celebrity X or Y to do a large trade / high-reach Twitter post / other high-impact marketing activity?

While those remain legitimate, positive actions, Civilization is not about daddy serving anyone the ready-meal. Even assuming I did have the access and capability to short-cut the progress of our Civilization community, would such sugar-high initiatives be in our long-term interest?

Not everyone is ready for financial freedom. The road is long-winded, full of bumps and dumps, and not for the faint-hearted. I am gifting you the gift of yourself; now, whether you want it or not, is up to you to decide. Financial freedom is about stopping to ask, and starting to do.

I have been doing my part, every day, since day 1. I gifted my trading ideas, capital and patient support to our Civilization community. Now — if you want to achieve your own financial freedom — you had better start doing your part, too. Make 2022 a year of contribution!

