Introducing CivFarm DAO Pools

New available farming pools for CivFarm users

ICEMAN - Civilization
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2022


Heads Up Civians! Our journey is consolidating, and the time has come to make some another important decisions about CivFarm evolution. In doing so, the community will play a key role thanks our DAO.

It’s time to introduce new DAO pools on CivFarm. For the first session of DAO pools, the community in recent weeks has expressed strong interest in an initiative called Ryoshi Tribute.

CivFarm DAO Pools

The Ryoshi Tribute pools for CivFarm DAO vote will be launched to allow the entire community of Stone holders to familiarize themselves with the DAO platform tool and begin the process of adding these pools to CivFarm.

As Shibarmy is waiting for ShibaSwap updates, they can manage their holdings to use and earn on CIVfarm. So, this vote is to add three additional liquidity pools to CivFarm:

  • SHIB-0NE LP staking pool
  • LEASH-0NE LP staking pool
  • BONE-0NE LP staking pool.

But how will it work?

  • All Stone holders who have staked their stones within the new single staking stone pool released with the launch of CivFarm v2 will be able to take part in the voting.
  • The voting process will be open for 72 hours and at the end of that time the result will be announced. Due date is 27th November 2022 10:00 Pm (UTC)
  • The new pools will be available on CivFarm for 60 days from pools’ activation day.
  • Voting can be accessed through the following link

For those who have not yet completed the migration, please do so by following the instructions.

What do you think? We invite you to take part and contribute in this first evolution of CivFarm. New milestone are waiting for us, CIVians!

Onwards and upwards, CIVians! #WeAreCIV

Join the Civilization Telegram group to discover our innovation roadmap

PS: To learn more about Civilization, please read our vision blog post:

About Civilization

Civilization is the world’s first Decentralized Investment Fund: owned and managed directly by its own users. Token $CIV: the Community Investment Vehicle.

Its CivTrade reached volume of $5 million in its first month, earning $1,718 extra per trade while saving -37.5% gas versus Uniswap. The ProView upgrade achieved functional equivalence with Binance, but fully DeX / DeFi.

Also branded the Burning Man of Finance, Civilization now plans CivFarm and CivFund, to make the benefits of Decentralized Finance accessible to everyone. Any questions? Please join the global Telegram group.

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ICEMAN - Civilization
Editor for

Civilization is the first decentralized investment fund. Website: civfund.org