POLYGON Now Lets You Limit Trade

Using Uniswap professionally, without paying the gas fees

Published in
5 min readJan 2, 2022


Look, Mum: no fees! (for pro-level limit trading on POLYGON)

Introducing CivTrade to Polygon

CivTrade is an innovative solution to the key pain points of traders using decentralized exchanges: it removes the slippage, liquidity fees and price impact of each trade done via the new dApp. Learn more.

CivTrade is now available: the first audited, patent-pending #DeFi limit trading solution. This significantly reduces DeFi trading costs and friction, improves the DeFi trading toolkit, and introduces the order book capability previously only available on Centralized Exchanges. CivTrade effectively enables traders to set limits and create an order book as they would on a traditional exchange, specifying trade volume and the price they are aiming to achieve.

You can swap any ERC20 token at your target price by simply connecting your wallet: welcome to 0% slippage, 0% price impact, 0 liquidity fees, 0 front-running, with 100% target price control. Now cross-blockchain, thanks to the Uniswap v3 launch on Polygon!

The (huge) advantages of the new CivTrades versus traditional Uniswaps

Trading DeFi is hard & expensive

If you look closely at Uniswap, which is where the majority of DeFi trades occur, there are a number of visible and hidden costs related to executing a DeFi trade:

  • Price Impact
  • Slippage
  • Liquidity Provider Fee

As if this was not enough, the “man in the red coat” icon will be familiar to many people in the DeFi space who use Dextools, signalling that a transaction has been front-run, essentially draining your funds:

Dextools example of front-run transaction

Front-running is a complex and potentially costly issue, so is to be avoided.

Before CivTrade, DeFi traders had no control over the execution price of their DeFi trades. The price may change in real-time even after your trade is submitted, while transactions are waiting to be mined by the blockchain!

These costs quickly add-up, making trading with Uniswap a complex and expensive challenge. No surprise so that many traders still prefer to use Binance and other centralized exchanges!

Enter CivTrade: True Limit Trades For Uniswap

Civilization deployed CivTrade on 2 blockchain networks: towards full decentralization, CivTraders now enjoy automated limit order functionality with extremely strong security, reliability, and performance guarantees for near real-time trade execution.

⚡️The New DeFi Pro Trading Tool (https://app.civfund.org/)⚡️

✖️ 0% Price Impact
✖️ 0% Slippage
✖️ 0% Front-running

✔️ 100% Target Price Control
✔️ 100% Liquidity Fees Earned
✔️ >5% Typical Gain to Traditional Swap
(up to +90% for larger trades!)

✔️ Ethereum & Polygon
™️ Patent-pending
🥇 Certik-audited
🤝 Chainlink
🤝 Uniswap
🤝 OpenZeppelin Defender

Live now: https://app.civfund.org

Examples of CivTrade business case

As size of your CivTrade grows, your benefits multiply!

Each blog launch series deep dives into each problem solved by CivTrade:

Cost Comparison: Polygon versus Mainnet



~$0.10 per CivTrade. What else should we add?

CivTrading on Polygon

So how to use CivTrade on Polygon? The dApp is accessible via this link.


  1. Open the CivTrade dApp and connect your wallet. Push Connect Wallet. Once connected, you will be able to see the Connect wallet button in the top right-hand corner replaced by your public address.
Open CivTrade and Connect wallet

2- Enter the number of tokens from your wallet balance that you want to swap. In this example, we enter 1 ETH. Then select the token you want in exchange for ETH.

Enter the amount of token already in your wallet you want to exchange

3- From the token selector choose one of the >4,000 tokens you want. In this case, we are swapping our ETH for CIV.

CivTrade token selector

4- Enter the target price at which you want to swap your tokens. In our example ETH for CIV. Then click “Approve” as usual. The target price represents the number of CIV tokens we want in exchange for the ETH we are willing to trade. In our example, we want 24000 CIV in exchange for one ETH.

Enter your Target price

5- Push Trade and confirm the transaction.

Trade your token

CivTrade status

At any time, you can check the status of your CivTrades in the dedicated section of the CivTrade dApp.

View your CivTrades
  • Submitted: Your trade is being processed and the CivTrade smart contract is working to execute it.
  • Part-filled: Your trade is being processed and CivTrade has already filled the indicated percentage of your order.
  • Filled: Your trade has been completed, the output tokens have been auto-deposited in your wallet!

Read here to learn more about the advantages of CivTrade and how to use it.

Don’t miss any CivTrade news: Join our official Telegram Announcements Channel

Happy CivTrading!!

PS: To learn more about Civilization, please read our vision blog post:

About Civilization

Civilization, also branded the Burning Man of Finance, is the world’s first Decentralized Investment Fund. CIV stems from the initials of Community Investment Vehicle: the world’s first hedge fund owned and managed directly by its own investors. The funds donated so far have reached $1million and the aim is for CIV to generate enough returns to become self-sufficient. It has already launched its first product, CivTrade, and aims to launch CivFarm and CivFund to make the benefits of Decentralized Finance accessible to everyone.

Learn more about Civilization by visiting civfund.org and reading the blog at news.civfund.org. For any questions, please reach out via the Telegram group.

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