Twitter Community Challenge

Be noticed and gain rewards

Published in
5 min readAug 28, 2022


To increase the visibility of our ecosystem, emphasizing quality of content over quantity.

A challenge every Monday 00.01 UTC to Sunday 23.59 UTC wherein community members can receive $0NE for generating content that gets Twitter blue checks’ attention and/or engagement.
5B $0NE will be awarded to the individual that had the most interactions with blue checks once a week. An additional 10B $0NE will be divided between and awarded to all participants once a month.

Very simple! Simply tweet quality content about the Civilization ecosystem.

Points for blue checkmark interaction are awarded as follows:
1 point per like
3 points per comment/reply
5 points per retweets
10 points per quote-tweet

If the qualifying tweet was copied from another community member, both the person copied and the person who copied it will receive points (group work is more than welcome!!!)*

The minimum amount of points needed to receive the weekly prize is 10.

If more than one person receives 10 points, the one with the most points will win. If no individual receives 10 points in a given week, the 5B $0NE that would have been awarded to that week’s winner will be used toward the monthly 10B $0NE “community reward treasury.”

It will be split between community members proportional to how many points they had during the month, excluding points that have already received awards.
When you see that a blue checkmark has interacted with one of your posts, fill out this form including the link to the specific tweet.

Results and prizes will be announced every Tuesday in $CIV main Telegram channel. Prizes will be disbursed when gas fees are low.**

*Please, don’t cheat. If you copy paste a tweet that is qualified specify in the form who wrote it. Not doing it will result in losing your points for that content.

**The amount to send includes the token tax of 4.5% for the burning of $CIV and $0NE, so you will receive the net amount that will result in a little less number of tokens. Depending on the gas fee cost, prizes could be delayed and/or cumulate (this means we could wait for you to reach a minimum amount of St0nes before sending them to your wallet).

Here is an example to better understand how the ranking system works

Week 1
UserA receives 3 likes
UserB receives a reply/comment
UserC receives a reply/comment and a retweet
UserD receives 7 likes and a reply/comment.
Weekly Ranking:
UserA — 3 likes at 1 point = 3 points
not awarded, moved to monthly
UserB — 1 comments at 3 points = 3 points
not awarded, move to monthly
UserC — 1 comments at 3 points + 1 retweet at 5 points = 8 points
not awarded, move to monthly
UserD — 7 likes at 1 point + 1 comment at 3 points = 10 points

UserD wins 5B $0NE
The points UserA, UserB and UserC earned will be counted toward the monthly distribution but are reset for the next weekly challenge.

Week 2
UserA receives 2 replies/comments
UserB is quote-tweeted once and receives 1 like
UserC receives 5 replies/comments and a retweet
Three of his five replied/commented posts were copied from Belvone
UserD receives 1 quote-tweet
Weekly Ranking:
UserA — 2 replies/comments at 3 points = 6 points
not awarded, moved to monthly
UserB — 1 quote-tweet at 10 points + 1 like at 1 point = 11 points
not awarded, moved to monthly
UserC — 5 replies/comments at 3 points + 1 retweet at 5 points = 20 points
UserC wins 5B $0NE
UserD — 1 quote-tweet at 10 points = 10 points
not awarded, moved to monthly
UserE — the post he wrote received 3 comments on Event retweet = 9 points —
not awarded, moved to monthly

The points UserA, UserB, UserD and UserE earned will be counted toward the monthly distribution but are reset for the next weekly challenge.

Week 3
UserA receives 3 replies/comments
UserB is retweeted once and receives a like
UserC receives 5 likes and one reply/comment
UserD receives 8 likes
Weekly Ranking:
UserA — 3 replies/comments at 3 points = 9 points
not awarded, moved to monthly
UserB — 1 retweet at 5 points + 1 like at 1 point = 6 points
not awarded, moved to monthly
UserC — 5 likes at 1 point and 1 reply/comment at 3 points = 8 points
not awarded, moved to monthly m
UserD — 8 likes at 1 point = 8 points
not awarded, moved to monthly

No one reached 10 points. The 5B reward allocated for the weekly contest will be added to the monthly pool, while the points of everyone are added to the monthly ranking.

Week 4
UserA receives 3 replies/comments
UserB is retweeted twice and quote-tweeted 3 times using content from UserE
UserC receives 5 likes and one reply/comment
UserD receives 8 likes and 2 comments
Weekly Ranking:
UserA — 3 replies/comments at 3 points = 9 points
not awarded, moved to monthly
UserB — 2 retweets at 5 points + 3 quote-tweets at 10 points = 40 points
winner (every post he used was written by Belvone)
UserC — 5 likes at 1 point + 1 reply/comment at 3 points = 8 points
not awarded, moved to monthly
UserD — 8 likes at 1 point + 2 comments at 3 points = 14 points
not awarded, moved to monthly
UserE — 40 points
UserB and UserE cooperated to win and split the prize 50/50, receiving 2.5B $0NE each.

Monthly rank:
Awarded prizes from the weekly contests are excluded.
UserA — 3 + 2 + 9 + 9 = 23 points
UserB — 3 + 11 + 6 + 0 = 19 points
UserD — 0 + 10 + 8 + 14 = 32 points
UserC — 8 + 0 + 8 + 8 = 24 points
UserE — 0 + 9 + 0 + 0 = 9 points
Prize to be distributed is 15B (normally slotted 10 + 5 from week 3 since there were no winners)


Prize/total points = Share
Share*personal points= Reward

In the previous example:
15B $0NE divided by 107 allocation points, so share is 140,186,915 $0NE for every point.

UserA wins 3,224,299,065 $0NE (net 3,079,205,607)
UserB wins 2,663,551,401 $0NE (net 2,543,691,587)
UserD wins 4,485,981,308 $0NE (net 4,284,112,149)
UserC wins 3,364,385,981 $0NE (net 3,212,988,611)
UserE wins 1,261,682,242 $0NE (net 1,204,906,541)

Join the Civilization Telegram group to discover our innovation roadmap

PS: To learn more about Civilization, please read our vision blog post:

About Civilization

Civilization is the world’s first Decentralized Investment Fund: owned and managed directly by its own users. Token $CIV: the Community Investment Vehicle.

Its CivTrade reached volume of $5 million in its first month, earning $1,718 extra per trade while saving -37.5% gas versus Uniswap. The ProView upgrade achieved functional equivalence with Binance, but fully DeX / DeFi.

Also branded the Burning Man of Finance, Civilization now plans CivFarm and CivFund, to make the benefits of Decentralized Finance accessible to everyone. Any questions? Please join the global Telegram group.

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