Kill two birds with one stone, DDACTS helps reduce crimes and crashes

Ziyu Yan
Civic Analytics 2019
2 min readSep 8, 2019
Community Concerns from the Week of April 29, 2019 to May 5, 2019

Ranked by constitutions and citizens’ concern, the safety of their streets ranks the highest priority. When studying corollaries to crimes, such as assaults and robberies, researches found the highest correlation exists between traffic crashes and violent crime. Based on their geolocational data, DDACTS(Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety) helps officers determine redeployment strategies with high efficiency.

Crime Hot Spot and Crash Hot Spot map analyses. From Longview, TX DDACTS

Using geo-mapping to identify ‘hot spots’, high crime and collision zones are targeted with the help of DDACTS. By deploying more officers and other resources to locations during times of likely criminal activity, crimes of opportunity reduces and traffic collisions are prevented.

“When we look at DDACTS, it’s a strategic model. It’s prevention.” Norman crime analyst Jason Redden said. Started in 2013, DDACTS has trained many government departments to better react when patterns of crimes and crashes appear. UCR statistics(Uniform Crime Reports) also show violent crimes dropped by 18 percent overall, and property crimes dropped by 28 percent in 2017. In a long term, data collection, analysis and also internal operations ensure success of DDACTS. Thus, creating a trust between community members and law enforcement agencies ensures agencies get report of crimes and crashes and deploy in time.

