Smart Traffic signals help improve safety for all

Ziyu Yan
Civic Analytics 2019
1 min readOct 18, 2019
Smart Traffic light installation

As a controller in the transportation system, traffic signals play a crucial role in regulating the roads. Recently, concerns about traffic lights come up in Baltimore. Drivers run red lights in Baltimore all the time and block the traffic because the lights do not turn green at the same time. Such problems do not only appear in one single city certainly.

Now, here comes the smart lights. A new ‘smart’ traffic light system which responds to how busy the roads are has been installed at a West Wickham junction, UK. Equipped with fiber optics, the new ‘smart’ traffic light system allows for high-speed data transfer. This project is also applied on Central Avenue in Albuquerque. With the real-time data collected by sensors in the lights, the city can use a centralized computer to remotely adjust how long the traffic signals stay red or green.

I think this innovation will bring benefits to cities like Baltimore. With fewer drivers running red lights, traffic jams can be alleviated, and there is less risk for pedestrians and cyclists in the meantime.

