‘Citizen Sentiment’ Al system helps to notice governor potentially serious city issues

Xiao Jing
Civic Analytics 2018
2 min readSep 25, 2018

City managers always find it difficult to deal instantly with the city issues that will potentially arise complaints or bad effects in one community. One case is that a small accidence was wrongly spread fast as a danger or crisis on social media, municipal official should and control the situation away from chaos ASAP. More frequently, the complaints like pothole sidewalk will be neglected or not reported at all in non-English communities, which governors don’t know but significantly decreased the happiness index in the community.

Fortunately, ZenCity established ‘Citizen Sentiment’, using AI algorithm to aggregate communications coming both from official channels (emails to the city, the municipality’s call center logs) and unofficial channels (what people are posting on Facebook, Twitter and other social-media platforms). In the example of manslaughter, an alert will push to city manager’s phone based on ZenCity algorithm that uncovered an unusual spike on Twitter for people using the word “murder” for a certain neighborhood in town.

A Demo Pic for ZenCity Product

Since then, the system has become a good communicator between residents and governors.

Next step, more datasets connected with people, as social media could be engaged in algorithm. However, the privacy boundary also needs debated.

Brian Blum , ZenCity helps cities pinpoint issues that irk residents. August 19, 2018




Xiao Jing
Civic Analytics 2018

Data Scientist@NYU CUSP, Journalist @Supchina