Signal 1: Beijing Traffic Jam

Chang Du
Civic Analytics 2018
2 min readSep 11, 2018
Figure1: The Fourth Ring Road in Beijing in a morning rush hour. [Photo/China Daily]

Beijing is one of the most congested cities around the world. The causes of traffic situation are various, the heavy flow stress of roads and disordered driving actions are common reasons. Compared with the percentage of 60 to 80 in many major cities, only 46 percent of people in Beijing choose public transportation. To ease traffic jam during rush hours, the government should encourage more people use public transit system instead of driving cars. In Beijing, the people who can buy a new car need to be drawn by lot. Besides, the government run odd-and-even license plate rule and offer discounts for public transportation like bus, subway, bicycle.

However, what they have done by now is not enough. People who do not choose public transport is due to multiple reasons, so there are series of problems to fix like the waiting time between two bus is too long or the bus is too overcrowded to get on. What’s more, the government nowadays should take the advantages of Data Science to manage the city’s transportation system. For example, calculate the optimal interval time of traffic light signals.

Transportation acts a significant role in everyone’s daily life. If we can reduce the time spent on commuting, we can focus more on our work and study. Furthermore, it will largely improve the efficiency of city.


