Signal 1: Low public transportation ridership in Los Angeles

Tingyu Chang
Civic Analytics 2018
1 min readSep 11, 2018

According to LA Metro, the average rail and bus ridership on the weekday is about 1.2 million whereas the City of Los Angeles has a population of almost 4 million. On the other hand, NYC with a population of 8.5 million has 5.5 million of ridership on the subway alone. Moreover, according to INRIX, “Los Angeles commuters spent over 100 hours a year in traffic jams in 2017 — more than any other city in the world”. So here comes the question — why would people in LA rather get stuck in traffic than take public transportation? As the second populated city in the US and planning to spend $6.6 billion over next year, the City of LA meets an urgent problem that needs to be resolved. Major reasons would be unreliable service, low efficiency, inaccessibility, and low safety index. By gathering data for the reasons above, we could work on the existing problems to potentially increase the ridership.



