Signal 1: MTA Blueprint

Civic Analytics 2018
1 min readSep 11, 2018

What will the MTA look like in 2028? Complaints about the subway, including notorious delay, inaccurate arrival time, and security risks, are everywhere in New York City. It drives me to think what change we can bring to the MTA in the next ten years.

This issue concerns our daily life. A better subway will improve our life quality in many ways.

Install electric screen showing updated information about trains on every station and every train, make sure that elevators which allow us to take big luggage to subways, are on most entrances, and raise the guardrail to protect passengers from falling off the platform. These are my imaginations of MTA in the future.

What I should do is to do a survey faced to NYC citizens and find out main problems about subway. Also, this is only an initial idea, consulting experts and professors’ opinion is necessary. If it is proved by many people to be a great idea, I will write to the mayor, and seek support from more people to make it happen.

