Signal 1: Opioid Sewage Testing

Sam Falk
Civic Analytics 2018
1 min readSep 11, 2018

“Every day, more than 115 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids” (The National Institute on Drug Abuse). As the opioid overdose crisis grows across the country, more governing bodies have been looking for ways to address the issue. With the illegal nature of opioid abuse, it proves difficult to secure truly accurate data related to this subject. In turn, it is impossible to create policies or legislation that would have a profound effect on opioid abuse.

The city of Cary, North Carolina has partnered with a bio-analytics company to tackle this lack of access to data. They will be testing sewage for the presence of opioids. It is imperative that health officials gain a better understanding through more than mortality data to get ahead of the matter. Not only would tackling the opioid crisis save lives, but on a smaller and still important note, it would alleviate billions of dollars of economic burden in the US.

Obtaining more accurate and specific information around severe drug use in one city is only the beginning. To have a true impact, more cities will need to spin up similar programs for a full and comprehensive study of the US.

Signal inspiration:

Light background on opioid crisis:

