Signal 1: Do you feel cold in the refrigerator?

Borong Lyu
Civic Analytics 2018
2 min readSep 9, 2018
Are you feeling comfortable?

Do you often feel uncomfortably cold in the air-conditioned public areas? Although there are some benefits brought by lower indoors temperature, for example, some people think cooler temperature keeps people more alert and moving, these benefits are all obtainable by other environmentally friendly ways.

As a matter of fact, Buildings in urban areas are one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions and typically account for over half of a total city’s emissions. There are even scarier data to reveal how much contribution urban buildings have made to greenhouse gas emissions.

Forbes news, on Sep 5th, reported that Dozens of Cities Signed Up To Zero-Carbon Buildings By 2030. Unfortunately, they do not even know what should be taken as their first step. So why not start with air-conditioners in public areas?

Why not apply Infrared sensing technologies to air-conditioners and switch off the room air-conditioner if no one is there, just like the way we control lights and water in public toilets? If air-conditioners in our city can be conditioned, how much benefit can we get from it?

