Signal 2 : Flying Cars initiative trying to take off

Civic Analytics 2018
2 min readSep 18, 2018

There has been a flurry of private-sector innovations to curb transportation woes, with companies like Uber fast becoming a verb synonymous to transportation solutions.

The latest fad, as absurd it may sound, involves flying cars endorsed by heavyweight corporations like Airbus and Toyota. While the idea remains in its nascent stage, there is an unanimous definition visualized in the form of a door-to-door transportation mode that can transverse both roads and by air.

A futuristic, imagined image of flying cars. Source:

Although drivers stuck in a daily 30km/hr jam may welcome this news, one should approach this enthusiasm with caution.

Issues include:

  • Bringing congestion to the skies does not solve the root of traffic issues.
  • The exclusivity looming this invention signals that normal citizens will be priced out, and left to grapple with the ever-growing frustration of transportation inadequacy.
  • Development in absence of clear policy guidelines and integrated public-private goals impedes the full potential of this innovation and creates a hazy solution.


Although the Japanese government aims to mitigate regulatory impediments by working in tandem with the private sector, one crucial player seems to be missing. Firms in the Built Environment should be engaged, such that the eventual technology gels with retrofitted,ready infrastructure and is backed by a sound policy framework.

Artist’s Impression of a flying car/VTOL (Vertical Take-off and Landing) aircraft. Source: UBER Elevate


Uber Elevate. Retrieved 17 September 2018 from

Kleinman,Z. (2018 March 13). Self-flying air taxi lifts off in New Zealand. Retrieved 17 September 2018 from

Winick, E. (2018 August 24). Japan teams up with Uber, Boeing and Airbus to deploy flying cars within a decade. Retrieved 17 September 2018 from

