Manu Pathak
Civic Analytics 2018
1 min readSep 29, 2018


Signal#3 : CityScope: Lego blocks for urban planning and resiliency

City science researchers are developing a new digital platform for urban design and development. Researchers at MIT Media Lab are creating disruptive applications for communicable urban development. It is a concept of shared, open space communication for visual design. It helps in better understanding the land use, geography and built environment in the real world. The researchers used Lego block to understand the topology of buildings in cities and create visual maps through computer vision. This allows for more visual aid of cities.

The model can, in my opinion be created to see and measure disaster risks in cities. The disaster risk management proposals can be created by looking at high risk areas in the model. The simulator through computer vision creates 3D visualizations of cities. This can be used to segregate and redesign the spaces so that it is least affected by natural disasters like earthquakes and floods.

Resiliency is a key factor to designing and planning cities in the modern world. Resilient cities can lead to healthy spaces and better lives. Including spatial design parameters as visualizations for disaster risk reductions can prepare cities for future sustainability and resiliency ultimately increasing life quality and expectancy.

