Signal 4 : Reducing Gun Violence through proactive and reactive Smart Policing

Karan Saini
Civic Analytics 2018
2 min readOct 27, 2018

In many communities gun violence is not reported by citizens due to fear of reprisal. This results in numerous unreported shooting incidents especially in neighborhoods with high crime rates. Even law abiding citizens hesitate to make 911 calls due to fear for their own safety.

Shot-Spotter is a system of acoustic sensors deployed by police departments to detect gun shots in real-time . The sensors get triggered by gun shots and send real-time location of the incident to police dispatchers. This eliminates the need for citizens to make 911 calls and improves response time through real time alerts with minimum latency. This is an example of reactive smart policing.

Reactive smart policing can be optimized using inputs from proactive smart policing. Proactive policing platforms such as Domain Awareness System (DAS) developed by NYPD and Microsoft can be used to analyze hot spots with maximum likelihood of gun violence and deploy reactive mechanisms like Shot-Spotter in those hot spots. Proactive and reactive smart policing will work best when implemented together and drastically improve crime detection and reporting.

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