Importance of Studying the Self Before Creating Larger Scale Change

Clinton Brown
Civic Biodesign
Published in
3 min read18 hours ago

Understanding Self as the Foundation for Effective Change: Setting aside time to study the self before attempting to cause change or create conditions at a larger scale is crucial for several reasons. As the designer of this curriculum, your insight highlights the importance of self-awareness in mitigating the observer effect and projection when working within communities. Here’s a deeper look at why this approach is beneficial:

1. Mitigating the Observer Effect and Projection:

  • Observer Effect: Without understanding yourself, your biases, and your perspectives, you risk unintentionally influencing the outcomes of the communities you aim to serve. Self-study helps you recognize and control these biases, leading to more objective and accurate evaluations.
  • Projection: Without self-awareness, you may project your own values, beliefs, and emotions onto the group, misinterpreting their needs and priorities. Understanding yourself helps you differentiate between your own perspectives and those of the community.

2. Enhancing Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence:

  • Self-Awareness: Deep self-understanding allows you to recognize your strengths, weaknesses, motivations, and triggers. This self-awareness is the cornerstone of personal growth and effective leadership.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing your own emotions enhances your ability to empathize with others, build strong relationships, and navigate complex social dynamics.

3. Building Authentic Relationships and Trust:

  • Authenticity: People can sense when you are genuine. Self-study fosters authenticity, enabling you to build trust and rapport within the community. Trust is essential for effective collaboration and lasting change.
  • Communication: Knowing yourself improves your communication skills. You can articulate your thoughts clearly, listen actively, and engage in meaningful dialogues with community members.

4. Establishing Credibility and Respect:

  • Credibility: Self-aware individuals are seen as credible and reliable. When you understand yourself, you are better equipped to make consistent and thoughtful decisions, which earns respect from others.
  • Respect: By showing that you’ve taken the time to understand yourself, you demonstrate respect for the process and for the people you are working with, fostering mutual respect.

5. Enhancing Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills:

  • Problem-Solving: Self-awareness allows you to approach problems with a clear mind, free from personal biases and emotional reactions. This leads to more effective and creative solutions.
  • Decision-Making: Understanding your own decision-making processes helps you make more deliberate and thoughtful choices, considering the broader impact on the community.

6. Facilitating Accurate and Contextual Evaluations:

  • Contextual Understanding: Before evaluating the health and wellness of a group, it’s important to understand what that group values and considers important. Self-study helps you approach this evaluation with sensitivity and insight, respecting the group’s unique context.
  • Holistic Evaluation: By understanding yourself, you can better appreciate the diverse factors that contribute to wellness. This holistic perspective is crucial when assessing and fostering well-being at larger scales.

7. Supporting Sustainable and Meaningful Change:

  • Sustainability: Self-awareness ensures that the changes you advocate for are sustainable and aligned with the genuine needs of the community. It prevents well-intentioned but misguided interventions.
  • Meaningful Impact: Understanding yourself enhances your ability to create conditions that truly benefit the community, leading to more meaningful and impactful outcomes.


Studying the self is a fundamental step in preparing to cause change or create conditions at a larger scale. It builds a strong foundation of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, authenticity, and respect, which are essential for effective and sustainable community engagement. By understanding yourself, you are better equipped to understand and serve the community, leading to more accurate evaluations, meaningful relationships, and impactful change.



Clinton Brown
Civic Biodesign

I fuss over what kind of world I am leaving for my grandkids.