Do Look Up: UK Youth Climate Coalition

Joy Matthew
Civic Power Fund
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2023


This blog is part of a series highlighting the amazing work of our grantee partners.

In a world on the verge of environmental disaster, a group of young people have joined forces to fight for our shared future. They are the UK Youth Climate Coalition (UKYCC), a dynamic group of 18 to 29 year-olds determined to achieve global climate justice.

Founded in 2008, UKYCC is making sure young people have a say in climate change decision making. It is now the leading organisation representing UK youth at international climate negotiations. Their mission is to build the power of young people to take action on climate justice.

They know that addressing the imminent threat of climate change is not enough, so UKYCC not only fights against climate change but also confronts the many other social injustices that are being exacerbated by the climate crisis.

UKYCC is an entirely youth-led volunteer run organisation. They operate a flat structure that places decision-making power in the hands of their members. Through this approach, they are building a powerful and trusting movement for change that has already achieved impressive results.


UKYCC have built an impressive track record since their launch in 2008. To name but a few of their successes.

  • Organising alongside activists from the Global South, they played a key role in securing a Loss & Damage Fund at COP27 — the key UN conference that monitors and drives global progress on climate change.
  • They’ve created a school workshop exploring what exactly climate justice means, filling a much needed gap in the secondary curriculum.
  • They brought out a podcast ‘From The Ground Up’ which explores how youth activists started out their journey into climate justice and how others can join the fight.
  • They channel the energy of young people showing that through action, progress is possible. They mobilised behind Fridays for Future and the Global Youth Strike 4 Climate. They led a Climate Youth Hub during COP26 in Glasgow. And they have organised several large youth climate conferences including Local Conferences of Youth and ‘Powershift’.

In all their work, they strive to build a culture of care and support so that young people are resilient and ready for the fight ahead. The fact that they have sustained legitimacy and momentum over the past 15 years is testament to their success.

Next Steps

Looking ahead, UKYCC is doing even more to build the power of young people. They are hosting Community Action Panels across the UK, to root action and engagement within young people’s communities. They are training youth leaders from diverse backgrounds to influence the UK government. And they are standing in solidarity alongside other excluded groups.

In an uncertain world, the UK Youth Climate Coalition stands as a beacon of hope. We are so inspired by their unwavering commitment to working together to affect change.

