Collaborating For 21st Century Solutions

Christopher Whitaker
Civic Tech & Data Collaborative
1 min readJun 22, 2018

by Elizabeth Reynoso, Kathryn L.S. Pettit, and Christopher Whitaker

Communities should cultivate and draw on their capacity to use data and technology to benefit residents with the fewest resources. From 2014 to 2018, the Civic Tech and Data Collaborative brought together local government officials, civic technologists, and data intermediaries across seven communities to explore how to harness data and technology to benefit low-income residents. Drawing on the local experiences, the three guiding national organizations — Living Cities, Code for America, and the Urban Institute’s National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership — share advice on engaging low-income residents, mobilizing for collective action, resourcing collaboratives, and sustaining the gains achieved. Download this document and explore all of the case studies, ecosystem mapping guide, and other project resources.

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Christopher Whitaker
Civic Tech & Data Collaborative

Civic Technologist - @CodeforAmerica Brigade Program Manager - #chihacknight co-host — @USArmy 11B - MPA - Author of The @CivicWhitaker Anthology — Chicagoland